Chapter 49

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Now that the emperor was working from our school, it became even more popular than before and every day a crowd of people was around the gates in hope of stealing a glimpse of the emperor. This was already tiring but it was nothing compared to all the fresh attention I was getting.

There were already a lot of eyes on me before. Because I was the son of the Duke or because of rumors, I never liked being the center of attention. But now it felt different. Everywhere I went, I felt everyone looking at me. Not a few people but everyone. And not only at school. Even in the streets or at the palace. Maybe it was because I came to school with the emperor every day. I couldn't take it anymore but couldn't tell Cadmael because he seemed really happy to be spending time with me.

We even shared all of our meals together and the first time the emperor showed up in the cafeteria had been exhausting. Everyone looked at us and came from time to time to give presents to Cadmael. I couldn't concentrate on my plate and seeing this, Cadmael wanted to feed me which made things even worse. He then opened a private room where only Diana, Gilbert and I could go but it wasn't really better.

Speaking of all this, I had one spare hour and couldn't take the stares anymore so I decided to head to Cadmael's office. I had nowhere else I could go, even the librarian stared at me. There were a lot of people in front of Cadmael's office and things seemed to be pretty hectic. I arrived in front of the door and was about to turn away when the servants opened the door after seeing me. I jumped and found myself face to face with Cadmael. He seemed really busy with work and was sitting at his desk with people talking from everywhere around him.

As soon as he saw me Cadmael made a gesture and they all went silent.


Some of them complained but they stopped as soon as they saw me. The doors closed and it was only us two. Cadmael got up and went to a chair that he pulled next to his before motionning me to come sit down.

"I'm so sorry. I really didn't want to disturb you. I was about to leave but they opened the door.

-I told them to never let you wait.

-But you seemed quite busy.

-It's nothing serious. What did you want?"

I sat down and grabbed Cadmael's face. His eyes became really round all of a sudden.


-You can't keep doing this.


-If you were busy then tell me to come back later.

-I told you I'm never busy when it comes to you.

-Then at least don't kick the others out. I could have just sat down and waited.

-But I prefer to listen to you than to them. How could I focus if I know you are here?

-You said that you couldn't focus when I wasn't next to you.


I rolled my eyes.

"You are the emperor of this country. You have to take this a bit more seriously. All these lives are in your hands.

-Then will you sit next to me while I work?

-Fine. But you can't kick the others out."

He thought about it for a bit.

"Deal. But why are you here?

-I couldn't stand the stares anymore. Everyone is constantly looking at me. It's exhausting."

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