Chapter 81

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We got a lot of gifts. So many that they were piling up everywhere around us at this point. We got boats, horses, clothes, gold... I had no idea what to do with half of these and felt rather uncomfortable getting them. Cadmael on the other hand didn't seem impressed and just nodded politely, a slight frown not leaving his forehead. He seemed quite displeased for some reason but I soon understood why.

As we were talking to one of the guests, Cadmael suddenly stood up. Everyone jumped seeing the sudden movement but fortunately for them, Cadmael soon stopped in front of my throne. Everything then happened in the matter of seconds. Cadmael bent towards me, surrounded my waist with his arms, lifted me up and sat down on my throne while putting me down on his lap. He immediately regained his smile and continued listening to people in a good mood.

The line never decreased and people came up to us one after the other. I was starting to get bored and paying attention was getting harder and harder. I started blinking for longer and longer and rested against Cadmael's torso to rest a little. Cadmael started caressing my hair and even shaded my eyes from the light of the ballroom. But just as I thought I would fall asleep, someone else walked up to us. I recognized him immediately. He was one of the ministers. He rarely talked but always grimaced and he looked genuinely jaded. He didn't seem like a very happy person. Maybe he had seen too much of life. He did look like he could die any second.

"I greet the Sun of the Empire and the Moon of the Empire."

He bowed deeply in front of us and for a second I feared that he would never stand up again. He did straighten up however and when he straightened up he pointed at a woman. She had long blond hair and was dressed in a shining white dress that was completed by sequins of the same color everywhere in her hair. She looked very pretty and was smiling shyly, her eyes fixated on her feet. What was weird was that her hands were empty and she wasn't carrying any gift.

"My gift to your Highness is a royal consort. Non other than my own granddaughter, Azaela Oakwhite."

This was enough to immediately wake me up. A what?

"It is very important for the Emperor to have successors and the quicker the better. So please accept this humble offering, your Highness."

The minister bowed again even deeper than before. Seeing him do so, the young woman did the same and they waited for Cadmael to say something, their heads lowered. I was so shocked that I completely froze and waited for Cadmael to do something as well.

"What the hell is this?"

Hearing Cadmael's cold voice made the minister flinch. However he continued bowing and said:

"I figured that your Highness wouldn't be pleased with a female consort so I prepared you a male one as well. However I would like to insist on the female one for the sake of successors."

A man stepped forward from the crowd and bowed down next to the blond girl. Cadmael was fuming at this point:

"How dare you insult my wife in this way? On our wedding day moreover?

-Your Highness, I never wanted to disrespect you in any way. I am only thinking about the future of the country."

Cadmael didn't have time to answer that I surrounded his neck of my arms and straightened up on his lap:

"The Emperor won't be taking any consorts. Not now or ever."

The minister didn't seem happy that I talked for Cadmael:

"All Emperors take consorts. It is a custom.

-Customs change. Until now no Emperors got male partners.

[BL] I shouldn't have married the crown princeWhere stories live. Discover now