Chapter 83- Gilbert's POV

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Gilbert had been living his dream life for the past weeks. He bought a very old house and there was still a lot of work to be done but he could already see it in his head and he loved it. He would tell everyone about it in the village and the villagers really liked listening to his excited jabber:

"There will be a swing in the garden and a lot of vegetables. I will grow my own zucchini and will bring some for you of course. I saw a recipe for zucchini ice cream. I don't know if it will be good but I'll know once I will grow it. And then I'll also start cultivating tomatoes and strawberries."

Villagers couldn't wait to see this young man's dream come true. They had grown fond of him the second he appeared with a baby goat in his arms and his eyes full of stars. He talked a lot but whenever people tried asking him about where he was from, he would suddenly close off. Therefore they just gave up and thought that he had run away from home. This made them like him even more and people would rush to the old manor to help Gilbert with whatever he had in mind that day.

Thanks to all the help and love he got, Gilbert was way better off than he thought he would be. He finished painting his new room in a day and the other rooms soon followed. He didn't have a lot of furniture yet but people quickly gathered all the necessary things for him. The house was slowly getting into shape and Gilbert didn't think he could ever be happier:

"See, Jolie? This is our new home. We don't need anything else other than this."

While saying that, Gilbert couldn't help thinking about the way Andrew had screamed his name during the wedding. He shook his head, trying to forget about it. He didn't want to think about that guy. He left him long ago and he needed to move on. And what better than to work yourself to death? Gilbert immediately grabbed a brush and turned to Jolie:

"What? The bathroom needs one last layer of paint."

Jolie stared at him.

"I know, I know. I should fix the door first. But it has been broken all this time and nothing bad happened. It could wait one more day."

Jolie breathed.

"Stop judging me. It's way harder to paint than you think. And no I am not being lazy."

She blinked:

"I am not!"

Gilbert sighed:

"Anyway, I don't want to continue this conversation with you. At least I am doing something around here."

Jolie blinked and Gilbert immediately let go of his brush to start petting her:

"I am so sorry, Jolie! I was just kidding. You don't have to do anything. I love you so much. I am so sorry I said those things, I didn't think any of them, I promise. I love you."

He hugged her very close and Jolie seemed to really like it despite not understanding what had happened:

"I'm sorry. I just remembered something bad and got all grumpy. It's not your fault at all."

Gilbert opened his mouth to talk about how much weirder it had been to see Andrew than he would have thought. He thought that he wouldn't feel anything at all and got very frustrated when it wasn't the case. But Gilbert prefered to close his mouth without saying anything. If he talked about it, it would get too real. He prefered to stay quiet. It wasn't that big of a deal after all. He spent more than a year with that guy. It was normal that it was weird seeing him again. It would soon change.

"Okay, who's going to help me paint?"

Just as he had said that, they heard someone knock on the door and Gilbert jumped up happily, thinking that it was one of the very nice villagers:

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