Chapter 75

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Hi guys!

I have 6 other chapters ready for this book. Would you prefer that I post all of them at once and go on a 7 week break or post them one after the other every week?

Thanks for the answers and have fun reading :)


I felt something warm on my cheek and wanted to roll on my other side but couldn't move. When I opened my eyes I saw that the reason I couldn't move was Cadmael holding me in his arms. Seeing my eyes open, he kissed my cheek again visibly in a good mood:

"Good morning, beautiful."

Not quite awake yet, I grunted and tried closing my eyes again. Cadmael however wasn't going to let me go back to sleep and he started kissing my forehead:

"We should get up now, darling. Today is the big day."

I suddenly realized what day we were. I had been so exhausted because of all the planning and was still half asleep. Realizing that it was the first day of our wedding immediately woke me up and I opened my eyes wide:

"I'm awake!"

Hearing this made Cadmael laugh and he kissed me lightly on the lips. He backed away but seeing my face he started smirking for some reason and bent down towards me again. He started kissing me in a more pressing way and feeling his tongue find its place into my mouth made me push him back suddenly:

"Aren't we getting ready?"

Cadmael shook his head, his eyes unfocused:

"Let's just stay a bit more. We have the whole day to get ready."

He wanted to bend towards me again but I blocked his lips with my hand. This made Cadmael grunt and he looked up at me with a frown:

"You're right... Let's go."

He straightened up and let me sit up on the bed but when I wanted to stand up he grabbed my waist and asked:

"One last kiss?"

I quickly shook my head:

"We both know that it won't be one last kiss. Let's get up."

-You are so mean."

Cadmael sighed and seeing him like this made me laugh:

"Poor baby. Your life is very hard."

Cadmael ignored my sarcastic tone and quickly nodded:

"It really is. Maybe you should kiss me to make me feel better.

-No. We have to go."

Cadmael felt that I wasn't going to yield and he laid down on his back for a few seconds before finally getting up. No maids came to help us get ready and Cadmael was the one who came up to me with the first dress we chose. Our wedding would last five days in total with the first day being Cadmael's coronation. For this first day, Cadmael had to wear the Emperor's robes and we chose a red dress for me to match his outfit. I didn't like the idea of wearing red for the coronation, knowing that it was a big no no but Cadmael wasn't budging. He wanted us to be wearing matching clothes no matter what happened and he really liked the idea of the two of us being the only ones in red that day.

I wanted to take the dress from Cadmael and put it on myself but when I grabbed it, he didn't let go. I looked up at him with a frown:

"What is it?

-May I help you put it on?"

I went immediately red and looked away before nodding. I could feel Cadmael freeze and he forced himself to calm down:

"Are you sure?


He immediately put the dress down on the bed and walked up to me before gently touching my waist:

"Is it okay?"

Why was he asking so many times?


Cadmael nodded before slipping his hand under my shirt and helping me take it off. I could feel his gaze on my skin and couldn't help blushing. He wasn't saying anything and this situation felt really awkward suddenly. I was thinking about something to say but couldn't come up with anything and just waited for Cadmael to move on to my pants. When he grazed my skin I could feel an electric shock go through my whole body and did my best not to shake.

"Are you okay?"

I had to calm down before answering:


-Why are you shaking? Are you cold?


I could hear Cadmael giggle but I stubbornly kept my eyes fixated on my feet.

"I will hurry up."

As promised, Cadmael grabbed the red dress and helped me put it on skillfully. There were way too many layers to this clothing and my shaking had a lot of time to get worse. I could feel that Cadmael was smiling and knew that he was enjoying this a lot. As long as he was happy I could endure it. And it wasn't like I didn't like it either. I really liked feeling him but it was just a weird and new feeling and I wasn't used to it.


Cadmael took a step back to admire his work:

"Gorgeous. I have never seen something of the sort. I regret choosing this dress now. No one should see you like this except for me."

I looked down and noticed the dress for the first time because I had been too focused on Cadmael before. I really did look good. Way better than I would have thought. But I couldn't help feeling that I looked like an Empress. The realization suddenly hit me. It was today. Today Cadmael would be crowned Emperor and after a change of clothes we would get married. Today.

My heart started beating so fast that I put my hand on it to calm it down. Cadmael immediately grabbed my hand and frowned:

"What's wrong?"

I quickly shook my head:

"I'm just excited. And really stressed."

This made Cadmael laugh and he pulled me against his chest before kissing me on the forehead. Now that I was so close to him, I could feel his heart too. It was beating very fast. Almost as fast as mine.

"I can't believe it's finally the day."

Cadmael pulled away a bit to look at my face.

"I am so happy that I could die."

The intensity with which he was looking at me made me blush and all I wanted at that moment was to kiss him. Cadmael froze for a second by my sudden attack but he quickly smiled and lifted me in his arms, deepening the kiss. He then carried me back to the bed and put me down on it before laying down on top of me. I could feel him getting more and more out of hand so I had to push him back:

"We can't. We are late."

Cadmael sighed:

"It deserved a try."

Seeing him so cute made me laugh:

"Nice try."

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