Chapter 95

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When I woke up next I was wearing clothes again. I thought that Cadmael had cleaned me and dressed me after I fainted but I suddenly realized that I felt dirty. I was clean inside but my skin felt sweaty and dirty everywhere. Apart from that I felt very hot and my throat was burning up. I had no idea what was going on but soon noticed someone taking a wet towel off from my forehead:


Cadmael was sitting on a chair next to the bed and he looked panicked for some reason. Did I get sick? When? How? I tried asking but Cadmael covered my lips:

"You shouldn't talk yet. You have to rest a bit more. I am so sorry. I will take care of you. Go back to sleep."

It did sound very tempting and I slowly closed my eyes again. When I opened my eyes next I did feel way better but I was still a bit hot. Cadmael was still sitting at the exact same place but the room was plunged in darkness. When he heard me move he jumped up. He looked exhausted.

"Eschyle! How do you feel? Your fever finally came down."

I frowned:

"What happened?

-I am so sorry. I was a bit too rough... I won't ever touch you again."

I needed a few seconds to understand.


What gave it away really was that I couldn't feel my lower half at all anymore and I wasn't even sure that it was still there. If I took the covers off and saw that I was missing limbs, I wouldn't really have been surprised.

"Cadmael... It's okay. I told you not to stop.

-But it was your first time. I should have held back."

I quickly shook my head, remembering the events. I couldn't help blushing, Cadmael did look like a famished beast but I was the stubborn one for always accepting when he asked if he could do it one last time.

"Both of us are at fault. It happens."

But Cadmael was adamant.

"No. It will never happen again.

-Wait... Cadmael.

-No. I won't change my mind."

I decided to give him some time to calm down. Cadmael was way too over protective of me and I thought that things would calm down once I got better. It did take me two days to walk again but the pain took even longer to disappear. I was still bedridden three days after and Cadmael wasn't leaving my side for a second. He would snap at any person that would knock and he didn't go to work for a second. I could feel Alphonse losing patience and I tried talking to Cadmael:


I had to start off by telling him something he liked.

"I think you should go back to your study now."

Cadmael shook his head:

"No. Here I brought you some soup."

He blowed on it before extending the spoon to my mouth:

"How is it?

-Really good but...

-Have some more.


-I thought I was your husband.

-I... Yes, but.

-Then call me that.


-Better. Now have some bread.

-Wait! Listen to me. You should really get back to work. Not only you. I should start playing my role too. And I should study too.

-Out of the question. Not when you are sick.

-I feel way better!

-Oh really? Then can you walk normally?"

I pinched my lips. I had to bluff:


Cadmael raised his eyebrows:

"Oh, really? Then show me."

I couldn't give up now and pushed the covers away before standing up. I could immediately feel pain in my lower back but I did my best to smile. My legs were still very shaky and I could only take ten steps before almost falling. Cadmael immediately caught me and he carried me back to bed, his eyes ice cold:

"See? Now stop talking about it and eat.

-Cadmael! You can't stay by my side all the time.

-Says who?


-Then you are wrong."

I hit the bed in my frustration.

"You are so stubborn!"

Cadmael finally smiled but I didn't have time to be happy about it:

"And you still love me."

Cadmael extended another spoon towards my mouth and I ate while pouting. Cadmael ignored it and continued feeding me when we heard someone else knock. Cadmael frowned but didn't stop feeding me for a second:

"If you knock one more time it will be the last thing you do.


He seemed very serious and I hoped that the person would leave. I wasn't quick enough to stop him now. However the person wasn't giving up:

"I came to tell you that the Duke is dead."

Both of us froze. What?


-The Duke died."

Cadmael finally put the spoon down:

"I'll be back in a second."

I grabbed his arm:

"I want to hear too."

Cadmael nodded and let Alphonse in.


Alphonse looked straight at Cadmael:

"We have been informed this morning that the Duke's body has been found inside of the Dukedom."

This really felt like déjà-vu.

"What happened?

-We are not sure for now but it seems to have been done by the oldest son and Young Duke, Rubert. The blade has been found in his study but he denies everything."

Cadmael and I exchanged a frown. Why was everything getting more and more complicated?

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