Chapter 58

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Cadmael stayed by my side until I recovered. He read me books and fed me to his heart's content. He seemed so happy to help and so worried about my condition that I didn't have the heart to remind him of his work. I had to recover as soon as possible for him to get back to his job. However for some reason, Cadmael kept delaying my getting out of bed. The doctor didn't come anymore but Cadmael never told me when I would be able to get up. At the beginning I trusted him but a week went by and I still had him sit next to me all day and night long.

One day I just couldn't take it anymore and asked:

"When will I be able to get out of bed?"

Cadmale hesitated for a second before smiling:

"Aren't you comfortable?"

I frowned, feeling something was off.

"That's not the question."

Cadmael strocked my hair with a fond smile:

"Do you want to eat anything?"

I shook my head:

"Cadmael... Don't change the subject. What did the doctor say?"

He bit his lip before confessing:

"You have recovered already."

I knew it and signed.

"Please don't be mad at me. I just really liked taking care of you and you fainted all of a sudden. I was worried. What would happen if you fainted again? And what if I wasn't there?"

I smiled before getting up:

"I am not angry. You were doing what you thought was right. But next time tell me right away and we'll talk about it together. Thank you for taking care of me."

I went back to school the same day missing my friends and having a lot of work to catch up on. When they saw me, Diana and Gilbert were really worried:

"Are you feeling better?

-You seem a bit pale.

-Do you want to sit down?

-Maybe something to drink?"

I laughed. I couldn't decide who was acting more like a worried mom.

"Don't worry. I'm all better now. I was just a bit sleepy, it happens.

-You never say anything when you are sick! How can we believe you? We couldn't even come visit you because of that guy."

I frowned.


-Yes. He didn't let anyone approach you apart from a doctor. Who does he think he is? You are not married yet."

I blushed:

"Don't say such things.

-What? He really seems to think that you are going to be his empress."

I remembered how Cadmael had been acting around me lately and lowered my gaze:

"You must have been surprised. I'm sorry for not telling you.

-About what?

-About Cadmael liking me."

Gilbert laughed:

"You were the only one who didn't know."

My head jerked up immediately:


-We all knew since the very beginning. And now that he became emperor, all the country should know."

I didn't know what to say. That couldn't be true. I suddenly recalled all of the gazes on me. That couldn't have been it. Right? Diana seemed to guess my thoughts, people used to do that lately, guess I didn't need the ability to speak anymore:

"Everyone saw the way Cadmael acts around you. Especially since he left his first ball as emperor only to look for you. He didn't even dance with anyone except for you and disappeared the second you had your dance."

My mouth went dry.

"People don't even try getting Cadmael a wife anymore. They are all waiting for you to ascend by his side.

-That can't be true."

Diana pursed her lips apologetically.

"We didn't want to burden you and thought it would be best for you to discover it on your own. However, it took you longer than we thought."

And again something to keep me distracted from my studies. everywhere I went I felt people looking at me. I started getting used to it but now that I knew why that was I couldn't stay seated there. I fled to Cadmael's study as usual and was disappointed to see him with his ministers. I couldn't flee now because the doors were open and sat down next to Cadmael. The ministers had gotten used to me at least and they even seemed happy that I was here. Cadmael was way nicer around me and they seemed especially tired today.

I finally could study and immersed myself in my work. However, I was soon distracted again by a new minister. I had never seen him before and he seemed really young. He should have just started working here. Unfortunately for him, this wasn't the best first day:

"What about an empress?"

All eyes fell on him and the ministers around the new colleague tried to silence him but the new minister didn't understand their gestures not knowing what was wrong about what he just said:

"What? Emperors usually look for an empress right after the coronation. If it were a princess from another country, it would get us an important alliance. I would suggest Princess Romania from the south."

I looked at Cadmael out of curiosity. For once he wasn't looking at me and was completely focused on the newbie. I got goosebumps just thinking about it. What could I say to save his skin? All the other ministers did in fact turn to me as if I was the only one who could do something.

"What is your name?"

Cadmael's voice was ice cold and I almost dropped my pen. Everyone shivered and it was a hundred times worse for the one behind the question. I saw his knees give out and he fell to the ground. I wanted to jump up to help him but couldn't feel my legs. I definitely wasn't used to seeing Cadmael this way. I should have been terrified but for some reason I was only terrified for Marvin and not for myself. Did I trust Cadmael that much? Was it a good thing?

"M-M-Marvin, your majesty.


Cadmael smiled but there was nothing reassuring behind that face! Even I was scared to say anything! But I mustered up all my courage and touched his arm. Cadmael flinched and immediately turned to me, his eyes terribly warm. I almost fainted. How could he change so much in front of me? Calm down my heart! The power of the protagonist was in fact fascinating.

"Do you need anything?"

I bit my lips thinking about what to say however seeing Cadmael stare at my lips and lick his in response made me flinch. My heart skipped multiple beats and I blushed raising my hand to my face:

"Marvin isn't wrong, you know."

Cadmael immediately raised his eyes, frowning. He waited for me to elaborate.

"Emperors usually look for an empress early on. You can't be mad at him for stating that.

-Do you want me to get a marriage of convenience?

-No, I wouldn't want that for you. But you could think about choosing an empress.

-Why? Are you interested?"

I blushed from head to toe. We weren't alone! Everyone already talked about me as the empress, you had to stop! Seeing me all flustered, Cadmael smiled. Wait what did I say? Flustered? No I wasn't. I was just uncomfortable. I couldn't be flustered. It was because he was the protagonist. He had an irresistible charm to him and everyone would get flustered. No, I meant uncomfortable.

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