Chapter 18

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I had to help Diana and Cadmael fall in love. Cadmael didn't save Diana at the library and he didn't give anything to Diana during the sports festival. They didn't have their first romantic moment and now that I was thinking about it, Cadmael didn't even look at Diana during the opening ceremony. It was then that he should have fallen in love with her but I really didn't know what could have gone wrong. I had to fix everything.

I was sure that they just needed a little push to help them realize their feelings. They didn't seem to really like each other but hate was very close to love anyway. The next romantic event in the book would have been during the cafeteria scene. Eschyle started bullying Cadmael even more and humiliated him in front of the entire school by spilling his meal on Cadmael's head. Diana helped Cadmael clean his shirt and they touched hands inadvertently. But how could I make this happen?

I wasn't bullying Cadmael so how was I going to achieve this scene? I thought about it all day and I could still spill my meal on Cadmael inadvertently. If Diana was eating with us, I could ask her to help Cadmael clean his shirt. I was really proud of my plan and couldn't wait to put it into action. Cadmael noticed my smile and asked:

"Did something good happen?"

Not yet.

"No, I was just thinking about something. What do you think about eating with Diana today?"

Cadmael's smile froze. This wasn't the reaction I was expecting from the male lead!

"Is that what you want?


-Then okay."

He seemed really reluctant which made me smile. He looked like a cat and I patted his head:

"She is really nice. You will like her I am sure of it.

-I won't. She hurt you.

-I told you it was an accident. It isn't good for you to be so fixated on this. I can take care of myself don't worry.

-I'll protect you."

I rubbed his head.

"You are so cute."

This didn't seem to please Cadmael who took my hand to stop me from treating him like a child. He didn't let go of my hand however and walked to the cafeteria that way. I waved to Diana when I saw her and let go of Cadmael's hand. He looked at his empty hand for a second looking very uncomfortable. Diana seemed very happy to see me but her smile quickly disappeared when she saw Cadmael. They really didn't like each other! How could I be so blind?

Cadmael told me his reasons but what were Diana's? I could understand that she wouldn't like someone who was rude to her. But I could still save their relationship! Easy peasy. We waited for our food and found a table in the corner. A lot of people came to sit with us. There were the people who followed me around, Diana's numerous friends as well as the new fans of Cadmael who were lots of people too.

We couldn't eat in silence but the conversation was quite interesting so I didn't mind. I kept thinking about when to act on the plan and how when I finally found an opening:

"Cadmael, could I taste your cake?"

He didn't hesitate a second and handed me the whole plate. All my followers had the same reaction and they irritated me. This wasn't your scene. Stay out of it.

"No, no. Just a little bit. I am not hungry but it looks delicious."

Cadmael put down his plate and took a piece with his fork before handing it to me. He visibly wanted me to eat from his fork but that still wasn't what I wanted.

"Don't worry I'll use my fork."

Cadmael seemed disappointed but I was too focused on the plan to notice. I took my fork and took a piece of cake. At the same time I inadvertently spilled his plate which still contained sauce from the meat and all of it got on his shirt. Even if it was for a bigger purpose, I felt really bad and immediately dropped my fork.

"I'm so sorry!"

Cadmael looked at my fork and took a piece of cake with his fork before handing it to me like before. I frowned.

"You wanted to taste it.

-But your shirt."

He really didn't care about his shirt.

"Your fork fell. Use mine."

He seemed really determined and looked me deep in the eyes without budging. I bit my lips before eating what he was handing me. The cake was really good and that made me completely forget that I just got feeded by Cadmael. I really wanted another piece and Cadmael saw right through me. He extended his fork again waiting for me to eat. I was going to do it when I felt all the eyes on me.

I turned around and saw that almost all of the cafeteria was looking at us. I didn't care that I was using Cadmael's fork but being directly fed by him was indeed strange. Being stopped, I immediately got reminded of my plan and looked at Cadmael's shirt:

"You should wash it now before you can't get it out."

Cadmael put his fork down irritated. For some reason the air around him became very cold and one glance was enough for people to stop looking our way. As Cadmael wasn't talking I took the initiative:

"Diana, could you help him please?"

Camdael jumped up from his chair which startled everyone.

"I'll do it myself.


But Cadmael disappeared before I could say anything.

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