Chapter 45

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I slept deeply and soundly for the first time in a few days. I felt incredibly energized but fell back on the bed as soon as I remembered the events from last night. Why did I go to Cadmael's room? I couldn't stop crying in his arms lately and was so ashamed that I didn't dare look at him anymore. What happened to the adult me who protected the young Cadmael? He was strong now and didn't get bullied but that didn't mean I could regress.

I felt too ashamed and asked to have my breakfast in my room today. When I heard the knock I went to open but almost fell on my back when I discovered the emperor in front of my door. Cadmael tilted his head with a smirk:

"Are you surprised to see me?

-Not at all... But what are you doing here?

-Did you want to avoid me that bad?

-No... Of course not."

I couldn't support his gaze and looked away. Cadmael immediately grabbed my chin and lifted my head to make me face him:

"Are you feeling shy because of yesterday's events?"

I immediately blushed and backed away to escape from Cadmael. He took advantage of the situation to get into my room and put a tray of cakes on my table.

"Come taste this one. It has lemon as well as orange in it. You'll love it."

I got suddenly curious and quickly came to the cake Cadmael was pointing at. Seeing me all hungry made him smile and I suddenly felt hands surrounding me from behind before a head weighted on my shoulder:

"I am really happy that you came to me for help. You don't have to be ashamed about it. You helped me countless times and not once did you make fun of me for it.


I knew he was right and yet still felt uncomfortable. I ate some cake to forget about the present situation and tried to ignore Cadmael who was still hugging me. Cadmael felt that I didn't want to talk about it anymore and decided to help me change the subject:

"Do you want to go back to school?"

Now that the coronation passed, life slowly went back to the way it used to be and school reopened after a short vacation.

"Of course. Don't you?"

I suddenly remembered who I was asking this. Cadmael had a lot of work now. He couldn't have time to go to school.

"I'll go too."

I raised my eyebrows in shock.

"But... You are the emperor.

-Can't an emperor go to school?

-I never saw one do it before. Are you sure you would have time?

-Then would you agree to following your classes here with private teachers?

-At the palace?

-Yes. You could follow your classes while I manage state affairs.

-Wouldn't that be troublesome for you?

-Why would it be?"

I frowned. Did he even know what his job was?

"How will you concentrate with me listening to the teachers next to you?

-I can only focus when you are close by. Otherwise I'll always think about what you are doing.


He really had to become more independent. What did parents do when they wanted their kids to become a bit more independent? I decided to try reasoning him:

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