Chapter 17- Gilbert's POV

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Gilbert watched Eschyle and Cadmael leave with a grin. They were really fun to watch and Gilbert sincerely hoped that they would get together before he left. However, seeing how Eschyle didn't think of Cadmael as a potential partner at all, he doubted that would happen. Nevertheless it was still fun to see Cadmael get all jealous. Gilbert shouldn't make him angry though. He saw the crazy in those eyes and didn't want to finish hanging or even worse.

Just as he was thinking about his future death, he heard someone arrive. Gilbert was very surprised to see Andrew and immediately got into character. However inside his head he was more and more irritated. Why was Andrew always here nowadays? Couldn't he leave him alone for two seconds? He started regretting his act but still managed to cling to Andrew's blazer:

"You're back! I was so worried when you left like that. Please don't be mad at me. Eschyle is really just a friend. I don't want there to be a misunderstanding between us."

For some reason Andrew seemed even more pissed than ever. What was so horrible about Gilbert having a friend? Before, Andrew never even looked at him at school. Did he like the feeling of being in control that much? This was getting out of hand. But just a few weeks left anyway. Gilbert didn't care about what would happen in the remaining time.

"Stop your act! I know that you are lying to me!

-Why would I lie? Eschyle is a really good friend. He helped me when I needed it and I am grateful to him. But you are the only one I love.

-I heard everything! I didn't know that you thought so little of me."

Gilbert thought back to the conversation he just had with Eschyle. Did Andrew hear everything?

"What are you talking about?

-"He is the worst human being on earth" what else am I talking about?"

Gilbert let go of Andrew's shirt and stopped with the whining and puppy eyes. He signed while one hand was fixing his hair:

"Thank god I didn't have to cry this time."

Andrew's face became completely pale in one second:

"So it is true."

Gilbert's face became unbothered and Andrew could only see indifference in his eyes. He never saw Gilbert that way. He saw his sad smile hundreds of times and recently saw his broad smile too. He saw his face lit up by joy and devastated by tears. But it was the first time that he saw such a cold expression. The Gilbert in front of him didn't feel anything towards Andrew.

"Shit. I almost made it till the end. It is reassuring to know that it wasn't my acting that was bad at least. If you didn't hear us you would never have guessed right?"

Andrew was still shocked.

"Was it all an act?"

Gilbert laughed. His face lit up suddenly and Andrew's heart couldn't help skip a beat. Why was this man so beautiful when he smiled?

"Of course it was. Who would cling like this to someone? It's pitiful."

It felt as if he got punched in the stomach. Andrew backed away even paler than before. Soon he recovered and started turning red with anger:

"You lied to me! How could you use me like that?

-Use you? When did I do such a thing?"

Gilbert seemed so innocent that Andrew got even madder. He didn't know what was an act anymore. The first time that someone had been genuinely nice to him, it had all been a lie.

"You said you loved me! You followed me everywhere! You made me dinner... You were always there for me! How could you lie about all of this? You betrayed me!"

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