Chapter 89 🔞

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Warning SMUT (Eschye turned 18 too at this point they just didn't celebrate because of the whole Duke situation)

In the middle of the kiss, Cadmael pulled away, his eyes dark:

"I'll be right back."

He straightened up but I grabbed his nape and pulled him back to kiss him.

"Wait... E... Eschyle..."

I continued licking his tongue, not letting him go for a second. I was in apnea at this point but still wasn't giving up. While my tongue was mapping out the inside of his mouth, my hands started pulling on Cadmael's collar, trying to pull his clothes off. Feeling me touch his skin, Cadmael grunted before grabbing my wrists and immobilizing me against the mattress:

"Eschyle... What?"

Not being able to kiss him anymore, I surrounded his waist of my legs and pulled him down, maintaining him close to me. This made me feel his excitement and I started rubbing myself against it, trying my best to look innocent. Cadmael immediately frowned:

"Eschyle? Is it... Is it what I think?"

I slowly nodded:


-Are you sure?"

I nodded but that didn't seem to please Cadmael:

"Say it clearly.


Cadmael suddenly licked my ear and that made me whimper. Cadmael looked up at me with round eyes and I could feel my cheeks grow red. I immediately tried covering my mouth but Cadmael caught my wrist:

"What are you doing? I want to hear it.

-But it's embarrassing...

-No, it's hot.


I didn't have time to say more because Cadmael bent back towards my neck before gently kissing it. I pinched my lips very hard not to make any sounds but it seemed Cadmael took that as a challenge and he suddenly started sucking on my skin:


He continued sucking and biting me for long minutes and I could feel a lot of blood rushing down there. I knew that this was what I had been waiting for but I still tried hiding it by bringing my knees closer. Cadmael didn't let me do it and he grabbed my knees before placing himself between them. Being this close to me, I could feel his pants rubbing down there and that made me stammer. How could I do the same thing seconds before without blushing?

"C-Cadmael... D-down."

Cadmael raised his eyebrows with a cocky smirk:

"Yes? What is happening down there?

-D-don't rub.

-Like this?"

Cadmael laid even more of his weight on me and I couldn't help moaning. This made Cadmael blush too and he kissed me passionately:

"I love you so much."

I didn't have time to answer that he continued kissing me and while he was taking my tongue captive, I felt his hands sliding under my shirt. Everywhere he touched me I felt my skin burn and my breathing was getting quicker and quicker. There was way too much stimulation and I had no idea what to focus on anymore, completely losing control over the situation.

Cadmael pulled on the bottom of my shirt but before taking it off he pulled back:

"Can I?"

I nodded and once again Cadmael kissed me on the forehead before saying:

"Say it with your words.

-Y-yes. S-stop asking."

Cadmael giggled:

"Am I talking too much?"

I shook my head:

"N-no, b-but... It's awkward...

-Is it? I am sorry, I will try to make you comfortable now."

He slowly helped me out of my shirt and seeing the book, he grabbed it before throwing it as far away as possible. The next second he took my right nipple into his mouth while playing with the left one between his fingers. This feeling was completely new and I grabbed Cadmael's head, grabbing his hair tightly. Cadmael's tongue started slowly tracing circles around my nipple and he suddenly started sucking on it. I never thought that I would feel so good only from someone playing with my nipple and I felt my excitement turn into frustration. It felt too good and down there I was getting uncomfortable.

Cadmael seemed to understand because he suddenly let go of my nipples and started kissing my skin further and further down. He continued biting and sucking on my skin and when he reached my belly button, he looked up at me:

"Can I?"

Being completely out of it, I needed a few seconds to understand what he was talking about. Cadmael started pulling on my pants to make me understand:

"Can I?

-I... Y-yes..."

Being really shy, I hid behind my hands. Seeing my face completely flushed, Cadmael let go of my pants and got closer to my face:

"We don't have to do it today. We can take things slow."

I immediately came out from behind my hands:

"No! I have waited for this for a long time."

I immediately regretted being this honest and was ready to hide again but seeing the effect I had on Cadmael made me raise my eyebrows. Cadmael's face became really flushed and he didn't dare look me in the eyes anymore. This made me smirk:

"Are you the shy one suddenly?"

Cadmael frowned:

"Shy? Me?"

I thought he would deny it but he suddenly cupped my face:

"How can I not when you are telling me such things? I can't hold back anymore, can I take your pants off?"

I was going to nod but suddenly remembered and said:


Cadmael didn't need to hear it twice and the next second I was completely naked. Seeing my penis made Cadmael's eyes shine and he looked so interested that I laughed:

"Have you never seen one before?"

Cadmael didn't answer and the next second he grabbed my penis with strength. I got so surprised that I flinched:

"Tell me if you want me to stop. Otherwise I am going to make you feel good for the whole night."

Cadmael's hand started going up and down slowly but it was too slow for me and I started moving my hips to help him. Seeing me do so made Cadmael smirk:

"Is it not fast enough for you?"

He immediately complied and he sped up. Soon after I came and I finally relaxed. I had just come once but I was already tired. It felt way different from when I was doing it by myself. I thought that I could relax and it would be my turn to touch Cadmael but he was staring at my stomach fixedly:

"A lot came out."

I looked down at my stomach and noticed the fluid.

"Sorry, the bed is wet now..."

But Cadmael didn't seem to care:

"I wonder what it tastes like."

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