Chapter 54

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Cadmael kept his word. He stopped showing so much affection in public. He stopped feeding me, carrying my bag... However, he also stopped being nice to people and only smiled at me, not having to act anymore. Diana and Gilbert were really shocked by this change and immediately came to question me:

"Did you guys have a fight?

-Impossible. Cadmael would never argue with Eschyle and our darling is too sweet to be mad at him."

I thought about our conversation and shook my head:

"I confronted him about everything.

-And what did he say?

-I felt bad for forcing him to act as if everything was fine. I know he seems very strong and scary but he is really sensitive inside. He needs time to open up to other people and I don't want to rush him."

Diana and Gilbert exchanged a look before signing.

"But how did you manage to make him stop being openly touchy with you?

-I told him I was uncomfortable with everyone looking at us.

-And he chose to stop touching you instead of picking our eyes out?"

Diana hit Gilbert in the stomach:

"What he meant was: this couldn't have been his suggestion.

-Indeed, it was mine. I told him he could touch me only when we were alone."

Gilbert's eyes became really round and he turned to Diana:

"I have to tell him."

She frowned but didn't prevent him from doing so.

"How do I say this? Do you know what was the first thing Cadmael did when he became emperor?

-He erased all homophobe laws.

-Exactly. Why did he do that?"

I tilted my head. The answer was obvious:

"Because that's the right thing to do.

-No. Well yes but no. Anyway, did you ever go out with someone?"

I shook my head.


-What do you think people who go out together do?

-Why are you asking me this?

-I'll walk you through it.

-I don't know. They go on dates, kiss each other. Love each other.

-Right, what I meant was little things. For example they hold hands, carry the other's bag, things like that.

-That too.

-What did Cadmael do recently? Didn't he carry your bag?

-He did because it was quite heavy."

Gilbert raised his eyebrows as if waiting for me to continue.

"What is it?

-Did Cadmael ever hold your hand?

-Yes, a few times.

-He carried your bag, held your hand...


-Doesn't that remind you of something?"

I suddenly understood what he meant and blushed really hard:

"No, that's not how it is. You are mistaken.

-Really? It doesn't seem that way to me.

-I am his best friend. We've known each other for 12 years. Of course we are going to be comfortable with each other.

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