Chapter 20

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Gilbert was right. Book or not, I couldn't rush things. Cadmael and Diana would eventually fall in love. I could still try getting them together but I had to do it more slowly. The next event was the following: Cadmael being bullied by Eschyle again was badly injured and on his way to his room he heard Diana playing the piano. He sat down and listened to her play. This appeased his heart and he couldn't feel his wounds anymore.

I wouldn't bully Camdael and then force Diana to play but I could ask the two of them to come with me to the music room. For now I was the only thing they had in common and I was ready to use this to my advantage. Fearing that Cadmael would think I was pushing him again, I asked Gilbert to come as well. Thus it looked like I was inviting everyone I knew.

Diana, Cadmael and I arrived first to the music room. Soon we heard Gilbert arrive as well. He immediately went to the violins and didn't even dare touch them. He only looked at them with shining eyes. I laughed seeing him this happy:

"Do you want to learn now?

-Do you know how to play?

-I don't but I heard Diana knew how."

Diana smiled a little shy now that everyone was focusing on her:

"Just a little bit."

Maybe hearing her play the violin would be the same as the piano. Moreover this way she could teach Gilbert. This was perfect. I looked at the two of them delighted while Cadmael didn't take his eyes off me. I turned to him and he acted like a child caught red handed:

"Is there something on my face?

-Are you going to play?"

I didn't plan to play but hearing Cadmael, the other two got excited as well:

"Yes, Eschyle, please play something for us.

-I heard that you were quite talented with a cello.

-I'm not that good.

-I want to hear you play."

All three of them were looking at me with puppy eyes. This wasn't the plan at all but what could I do? I took the cello and played one of my favorite pieces. They all listened intently before applauding wholeheartedly. Diana was the first one to approach me:

"You are truly amazing, Eschyle. I knew that you would be talented but I still didn't expect this to happen.

-Thank you...

-We could play more often together."

I couldn't answer that Cadmael got between us and looked at me seriously:

"I want to learn.

-Do you want to learn how to play the cello?


I smiled. This young child was more and more eager to learn thanks to me. For now I concentrated on school subjects and swordsmanship because they were the urgent ones but now I had time to slowly teach him everything an emperor should know. For example at least an instrument.

"I could find you a tutor, that's not a problem.

-I want to learn from you."

Cadmael was more and more honest with his desires which wasn't a bad thing.

"Are you sure you wouldn't prefer a professional to teach you?

-You are enough."

At the same time Gilbert asked Diana's help with the violin so we were left alone. Cadmael sat down on the chair and I placed the cello in his arms. I got behind him and guided his hands for quite some time before he finally understood. The others sometimes glanced towards us and Diana laughed:

"You seem to be having quite a hard time, Cadmael. I thought you were a quick learner."

For some reason Cadmael had a grin and Gilbert almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Eschyle is a great teacher. I am ashamed to say that I am not as bright a student as he would be."

I didn't like it when Cadmael diminished himself:

"You are a really good student. Don't say such things."

Gilbert laughed:

"I agree with our little darling. I don't think there is a problem with this student."

I smiled thinking Gilbert was backing me up but for some reason the atmosphere was strange. Before I could say anything, Gilbert smiled and told us he had somewhere to be. When he left he found himself in front of Andrew:

"I didn't know that you liked violins."

Gilbert shrugged.

"Well, I do.

-I'll buy you one.

-No need. I don't even know how to play.

-I'll buy you a tutor. Anything you want.

-I don't want anything from you but thanks for suggesting."

Seeing Gilbert leave made Andrew loose his means:

"Would you stay if I gave you more money?"

Gilbert stopped and looked back. Andrew really did seem like an abandoned puppy.


-Wasn't that what you wanted? I'll give it to you however much you want. Just stay by my side after the one month is over."

Gilbert thought about it.

"However much I want? Hum... I don't know if this sounds good or not. The pay is good but I couldn't wait to get away from you. I'll see if I find a better offer."

And he left.

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