Chapter 23

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Everything went according to plan. Andrew bought a lot of books and when we arrived at the end of the line with Diana, there were no books left. She didn't seem really sad and turned to me instead:

"I'm so sorry, Eschyle. I know you really like that author."

I smiled a little taken aback :

"I'm sorry to you too. I know you really wanted to read it."

She shook her head.

"I can read it some other time. I'm glad to see that you are not disappointed."

I frowned. This was a little strange but everything was moving according to plan so I didn't think about it too much. To make up for the hours in line spent for nothing, we decided to go eat dinner together and talked about books. Once it was dark out we finally realized how long we had been talking and left the restaurant. Outside we found ourselves in front of Cadmael.

"What are you doing here?"

Cadmael politely greeted Diana before turning to me:

"I came to take you home. It is dangerous to walk around at night."

I haven't even thought about that! I turned to Diana my eyes sparkling:

"I'm sorry for keeping you so long. Please go back with Cadmael first. I still have someone to see.


I didn't answer and left the two of them alone. I was a genius! This way they would have time to talk. I was really proud of myself and ran to Andrew's house without delay. He didn't even come to me in person and sent a maid who handed me one of the books he bought. I thanked her and turned home.

Now that I had one of the books, I could give it to Cadmael and ask him to give it to Diana. This would create some contact between the two and they could start warming up to one another.

When I arrived home, Cadmael was waiting for me in front of the gate. He had his arms crossed and ran to me as soon as he heard me arrive:

"Eschyle! How could you run away like that?"

I was in a really good mood while Cadmael seemed quite worried for some reason.

"Sorry, I had to do something. Did Diana get home safely?

-Who did you meet?"

I got scared for a second. Did he leave Diana to go home alone? No, Cadmael was a nice kid, he wouldn't abandon her. Right?

"Did Diana get home alright?"

Cadmael quickly nodded before asking again:

"Where were you?"

I was happy to hear he walked Diana back. They weren't there yet but they were way closer than at the beginning. At least now they talked and spent little time alone. My plan was surely working! I brandished the book and handed it to Cadmael:

"Could you do me a favor?"

He took the book without thinking:

"Of course.

-I can't come to school tomorrow. Could you give this to Diana? It's hers.

-Why aren't you coming?

-I have to attend a family reunion."

I wasn't completely lying. My older brother was visiting and we were going to eat together. Cadmael frowned but didn't say anything. He walked me to my room and the next day went to school alone as said. I didn't talk during the reunion and listened to my father compliment my brothers again and again as if I wasn't there.

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