Chapter 66

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Following that day, Cadmael became unstoppable. He wouldn't let me go for a second and spent the whole weekend hugging me. He wouldn't even let me go when we were walking and would carry me around no matter how shy I was. He had always been very attentive with me but it was nothing compared to how things were now. He would stare at me all day long and I couldn't pretend not to see his feelings anymore. The way he was looking at me made me flinch every time and I had to look away. However, Cadmael wouldn't like me focusing on anything other than him and would do his best to get my attention back. Be it ordering people to leave or grabbing my chin and forcing me to turn to him. When I was finally focused on him, he would smile:


I pinched my lips, my cheeks red. It wasn't that I didn't want to look at him, I just couldn't. Had he always looked at me this way? As if I was the only thing worth existing on this planet? Seeing me flustered, Cadmael immediately kissed me. He would kiss me every chance he got and I couldn't feel my lips anymore. I immediately pushed him away:

"Y-you should go to work.

-I will work tomorrow."

Cadmael was already bending back towards me but I pushed him again:

"You can't skip any more days. And I have to go to class too.

-Can't you stay?"

He looked so sad that I almost agreed but I had to be strong. I knew what we would do if I stayed behind and I really needed a break. Fortunately Cadmael didn't try going further than kissing after I told him that I wasn't ready but kissing every second of the day was still too much.

"I have to get dressed."

Cadmael didn't let go of my hand and stood up at the same time as I did, ready to follow me. I immediately shook my head:

"For the hundredth time, I don't need help."

Cadmael sighed before looking at my hand. He stared at it for a few more seconds before letting it go:

"I'll wait here."

I nodded and quickly left to get ready. I was so late that I already missed the first class of the day and I hated being late. I got dressed in a second and hurried to class. Cadmael took me to the door and even there he didn't want to let go of me.

"Are you sure you don't want to skip this class?"

I nodded hurriedly and Cadmael sighed again before letting go of me. I finally escaped him and thought that I would relax a bit but I couldn't focus a second. I couldn't stop thinking about Cadmael and when my thoughts would get too dirty, I would jump, looking around making sure that no one heard what was going on in my head. Fortunately no one could hear my thoughts, however they noticed how red I was and how weird my lips looked.

I didn't write down a single sentence during the whole morning and as hours went by, I felt more and more uncomfortable. I missed him. I just spent the whole weekend glued to him and we had been apart for three hours only but I missed him. I really wanted to see him. I thought that I was being pitiful so I forced myself to think about something else but I just couldn't think about anything else. It was so frustrating that I just gave up and started walking towards Cadmael's study.

He was once again very busy and was surrounded by ministers that all turned to me as soon as the doors opened. Seeing me standing there, Cadmael started beaming and he jumped up, almost running to me.

"You came."

He looked so happy that my heart skipped a beat.

"I wanted to see you."

Cadmael's eyes turned very dark suddenly and he surrounded my waist of his arm before kissing me in front of everyone. I immediately froze and feeling my state, Cadmael pulled away with a frown:

"What's wrong?"

I was burning up at this point and didn't even dare look at the ministers. I didn't want to know what they were thinking and just disappeared against Cadmael's chest. The latter immediately panicked and started feeling my forehead:

"Are you feeling sick? Call a doctor!

-No! I'm fine."

My head jerked up and I talked quickly to avoid Cadmael making a bigger scene.

"I'm fine. I was just tired.

-Are you sure?

-Yes. I am really okay."

He didn't see to believe me so I had to say something:

"I just wanted to hug you."

Cadmael immediately recovered his smile and I thought I would go blind. He immediately pulled me closer and I thought he would crush me.

"I will never let you go if you say such things."

I couldn't answer even if I wanted to because we suddenly heard coughing. An old looking minister was staring at Cadmael and I with a frown and I immediately remembered that we weren't alone:

"We are in the middle of a meeting, your Highness. May I suggest you..."

But he didn't have time to suggest anything because Cadmael glared at him:

"What's your name?"

Feeling that his voice was colder than usual, I immediately grabbed his arm:

"You should go back to your meeting. I'll stay here too."

Cadmael immediately smiled and grabbed my hand before guiding me to his desk. I followed him nicely but frowned when I realized that something was missing. Where did the second chair go? There had always been two chairs behind this desk but now there was only one. Who took my chair? For some reason I really didn't like it. Who dared take my chair away?

I soon understood who it was however because Cadmael suddenly lifted me and sat down on his chair, putting me down on his lap. So this was the reason my chair disappeared. Looking at Cadmael's satisfied smile, I couldn't get mad at him. I was uncomfortable, sitting on the tyrant's lap in front of everyone but I didn't want to say anything. I didn't dare move at all and would flinch every time Cadmael's hand on my waist would move.

The meeting went on with me in this position and I did my best to relax. Everyone staring at me wasn't helping and I suddenly spotted Marvin. The latter had been staring at me too and smiled when our eyes met. I smiled back awkwardly and did my best to pretend that everything was normal. If I believed it then everyone else would too. Right?

Cadmael suddenly grabbed my hand and started playing with my fingers, his eyes focused on me. The minister who had been talking continued, his voice getting smaller and smaller. He didn't seem to know if he should continue, seeing that the Tyrant didn't care one bit and I took pity on him. Just as Cadmael would grab my chin when I wasn't looking at him, I grabbed his and forced him to focus. Cadmael looked at the minister but continued playing with my fingers at the same time. It felt weird for some reason and I looked away, laying against Cadmael's arm.

I felt so happy and relaxed next to him that I closed my eyes and listened to his chest vibrating at the pace of his voice. When he wasn't talking, I was listening to his quick heartbeat and without realizing, I fell asleep. When I opened my eyes next, everyone had left and Cadmael was surrounding me with his arms, his chin resting on the top of my head.

[BL] I shouldn't have married the crown princeWhere stories live. Discover now