Chapter 96- Gilbert's POV

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Gilbert didn't want to go back to his little paradise with Andrew. He didn't want to share that place with him and decided to stay in the capital until he could get rid of the man. He did feel bad leaving Jolie alone but he knew she was in good hands. He had left her at a farm and he knew that Jolie would make a lot of goat friends. That was supposed to comfort Gilbert but then it also started stressing him out even more. What if Jolie found friends that she would love more than Gilbert? What if she forgot him or even worse, didn't want to come back home?

"Gilbert? Are you okay? You look a bit pale."

Gilbert slapped away Andrew's hand from his forehead.

"Leave me alone.

-Are you hungry?"

Andrew took out a sandwich from his bag:

"I made your favorite."

Gilbert ignored the sandwich.

"Don't you have somewhere else to be?"

Andrew shook his head.

"I just have to be next to you.

-Who the hell told you to do that? Just be anywhere else!

-Are you worried about Jolie? I sent a veterinary to her. She will be fine, don't worry."

Gilbert couldn't help feeling a bit relieved.

"Who the hell asked you to do that? Do you have that much money that you don't even know what to spend it on?"

Gilbert suddenly straightened up. If Andrew used all his money on him, he would have to go work didn't he? Gilbert didn't know if nobles could work and Andrew did have way more money than humanly possible but finding him a job was a good idea to get him out of his space.

"I would feel less uncomfortable if you did spend your own money on me. Get a job."

Andrew seemed way more tempted than Gilbert would have thought:

"Really? Will you let me spoil you if I get my own money?

-Sure, sure."

Andrew immediately jumped up:

"I am so sorry, Gilbert. I have to go for a bit. I promise to be back by the evening.

-Oh please. Take all the time you need."

Gilbert thought that he was finally free and he did see Andrew less for the following days. The latter would still come back to Gilbert every evening and as days went by he looked more and more exhausted. He would never come back empty handed and would bring Gilbert dinner before crumbling on the bed. After eating, Gilbert would go to bed too. Having crawled next to Andrew, Gilbert slapped his hands away from his body:

"Not tonight.

-I just want to hug you while I sleep.


Andrew immediately retracted his hands.

"Good night, Gilbert."

The latter closed his eyes. However, sleep wasn't coming and Gilbert was getting more and more irritated by Andrew.

"Why do you have to be so annoying!

-I'm sorry. I won't touch you."

Gilbert turned around and grabbed Andrew's hands before putting them on his body:

"If you are going to act all pitiful then just hug me. I can't sleep because of you."

Andrew was so surprised that he didn't dare move. Seeing Gilbert slowly grow peaceful made him laugh. Hearing that sound, Gilbert immediately got angry:

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