Chapter 43

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It wasn't bad living at the Palace. Not bad at all. I had a huge library in my room and could read all day long if it was what I wanted. The maids were extremely nice and came multiple times during the day to bring me cake or tea. I had access to every room in the Palace and after a few days started exploring the place. I really liked looking at the paintings in the multiple corridors and went to the garden a lot to read under the sun. I even had access to the stables and there were hundreds of horses one more beautiful than the other. I had to keep it together. I couldn't be swayed by this place!

I had so many things I could do and usually forgot about the time and arrived late to dinner. Cadmael was always waiting for me patiently and only smiled when he saw me not reprimanding me at all. He ate all of his meals with me and I didn't really see him outside of these times. He was really busy and seemed paler than usual which made me worried. I didn't want to stay all my life in the Palace even if Cadmael begged me to but I couldn't turn a blind eye to his suffering. Was he okay? Wasn't anyone paying attention to him and were they working him to death? I wanted Cadmael to be close to these people and be happy here. But I couldn't leave until he wasn't fine.

"Don't you have a lot of work?

-No, it's fine."

Cadmael answered without batting an eye. However, looking at Alphonse's face it wasn't that fine. (the intendant alway the victim)

"Are you sure?"

Cadmael finally raised his eyes and put down his spoon with a smirk:

"Are you worried about me?

-Yes. You shouldn't force yourself to eat with me if you are busy.

-I always have time for you.


I didn't have time to argue because Cadmael placed a spoon full of lemon pudding in my mouth. In a few seconds I forgot what I wanted to say and smiled. This was delicious. I knew I shouldn't be swayed this easily but never in my life had I eaten something so delicious. I had to have more. I just couldn't live without it. I loved to eat and Cadmael seemed really happy to feed me. (like a baby bird)

"Don't worry, everything is fine. In a few weeks everything will be over."

I raised my head puzzled. Why did Cadmael say that out of nowhere?

Eschyle had no idea that the emperor saw in his eyes the want to disappear. Cadmael didn't care about what Eschyle did as long as he stayed by his side. He could kill anyone, bettray him, poison him, torture him. He asked only one thing: that he stays by his side and he was ready to use any means to convince him. He couldn't let him leave. Never.

Even if Cadmael was fixated on keeping Eschyle next to him as well as state affairs, he didn't forget about his priority which was making everyone pay for hurting Eschyle. He already disposed of the boys who spread the rumors and the next target on his list was the Duke. He pledged allegiance to Cadmael and seemed really relaxed thinking that as he gave shelter to young Cadmael, he would be treated fairly by the emperor. Cadmael used this trust to his advantage and called for Alphonse:

"Call the Duke."

Alphonse immediately sent someone and in an hour the Duke arrived. He seemed really happy thinking that the emperor would reward him for his help. He came in a hurry but still had time to wear his best coat. Seeing him this way, Cadmael wanted to break the window and execute him immediately but he held back. Eschyle would be scared of him if he knew he killed his father. He had to do this secretly not to get caught.

Eschyle didn't meet the Duke because Cadmael paid close attention to it and when the Duke arrived in the study, his smile was irritating. Cadmael didn't give him a chair and Alphonse closed the door behind them staying put, close to it. The Duke felt the strange atmosphere but still clung to his imagination. However, he soon had to wake up:

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