Chapter 25

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During break, Cadmael came to my desk and I suddenly realized how often I was with him nowadays. At the beginning I was avoiding him like crazy but now I was always with him. I ate with him, came to school with him, spent my breaks with him in the library, went home with him, taught him cello... The only moment we weren't together was during his sparring training.

I really liked being with him but suddenly realized the huge part he played in my life now and it was destabilizing. Cadmael noticed that I was lost in thought and bent down with a smile. I suddenly woke up when his face got a few inches from mine and jumped:

"What is it?"

He laughed before straightening up:

"What were you thinking about?"

I smiled.


After school I offered Cadmael and Diana to eat together like last time and continue talking about books. Gilbert and Alphonse weren't far so I invited them too. However, Gilbert looked at his watch and shook his head:

"Not today. Andrew is taking me home early. I have things to do."

He didn't say more and just left. Gilbert didn't really like books anyway but something else bothered me:

"Is Andrew taking him home every day?

-It seems so."

Diana frowned:

"He was horrible to Gilbert and now he clings to him like a puppy. Does he think taking him home and bringing him food will make him forgive him? If I were Gilbert, I would have stopped talking to him already."

I couldn't say I didn't agree but knew things they didn't. Diana shrugged:

"Anyway, it's not my relationship. As long as Gilbert is happy I don't care but I really hope he is fine."

I nodded.

Gilbert was really fine. He didn't have to pay for his meals anymore and could eat the finest cuisine day after day without raising a finger. Moreover, he could sleep more because Andrew was taking him to school every day with a carriage. Andrew, who never did anything for others, woke up 30 minutes early just to come pick Gilbert up.

He wanted to spend every second with Gilbert realizing finally how he felt but it was too late. Gilbert didn't care at all about Andrew. He accepted his meals and carriage but that was all. Andrew didn't ask him to sleep with him anymore because Gilbert told him not to touch him. However he still asked him to go on dates again and again. Gilbert usually didn't have time and never accepted any present except for food.

At each break, Andrew appeared with a snack and asked Gilbert how his day went. He really wanted to hear Gilbert talk. He wanted to hear his voice and could listen to him talk about anything. Before he always pushed Gilbert away but now Gilbert didn't act anymore and spoke way less. He didn't seem bothered by Andrew's presence but wasn't happy either. He didn't care at all and that was worse.

Gilbert thought Andrew was just being strange and that would pass but seeing that he continued to come every day started to attract attention and Gilbert took the opportunity of the ride home to say:

"You should really stop looking for me at school if you don't want rumors to start spreading.

-I don't care about rumors.'

Gilbert shrugged.

"Then do as you wish."

Andrew really wanted Gilbert to react. He wanted him to say something, anything. If he didn't like rumors he would make them stop, if he liked them he would tell everyone how much he was an asshole all this time. He didn't care telling the others how horrible he was. He just wanted Gilbert to care but he didn't.

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