Chapter 34-Gilbert's POV

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Gilbert didn't plan on going anywhere this vacation and thought he would finally be free from Andrew. However the latter didn't see things that way. Andrew already prepared detailed plans for this summer and couldn't wait to take Gilbert with him to numerous places. He arrived to Gilbert's house with an excited grin but the person who opened seemed really sleepy:

"What the hell are you doing here so early?"

Andrew showed Gilbert a map but Gilbert just got up and couldn't see anything. He closed his door ready to go back to sleep but forgot to lock it and Andrew followed him inside.

"What do you want?"

Gilbert loudly fell on the bed, falling asleep instantly. Andrew looked at him for a long time with a loding smile. He never saw someone so handsome and could stay hours looking at him. That was what he did on the rare occasions Gilbert slept at his place. He usually wanted to go home but when Andrew was really rough, Gilbert would be tired and would have no energy left for the trip. At those times, Andrew would clean him and watch him sleep for hours forgetting to sleep as well. The next day he would take Gilbert to school and would go home to sleep before waking up to have his meal with Gilbert.

Now that he was in his home, Andrew decided to be useful. He cleaned the whole house and started preparing breakfast. The smell slowly woke Gilbert who crawled out to the kitchen like a zombie. He was really surprised to see Andrew cook. Andrew always brang him his meals but he never thought he would be the one cooking. Did nobles know how to use a stove?

"How did you learn how to cook?"

Andrew was so focused that he almost dropped his ustensil.

"You're awake! Sit down, I made some coffee for you."

Gilbert looked at the table and saw a mug with cold coffee topped with whipped cream. Exactly how he drank it. Gilbert never talked about his taste in coffee. He wasn't ashamed of his tastes but only drank coffee at home and therefore never talked about it. How did Andrew know how he liked his coffee?

Gilbert was too tired to ask and sat down to drink. He had to admit that the coffee was perfect and he soon forgot about Andrew and only drank, starting to wake up more and more. When he finished his cup, Andrew put down an overflowing plate in front of him.

"There wasn't much in your fridge so I went to do some groceries. I hope you like plums because I bought a lot of them."

Gilbert shrugged.

"Don't know. Never had any."

Andrew immediately ran to wash one and cut it for Gilbert before wanting to feed him. Gilbert took the fruit by hand which disappointed Andrew.

"Not bad.

-I'm glad you like it. I'll buy you a lot in the future.

-You don't have to. I'll manage groceries."

Andrew lowered his head:


Gilbert signed. Why did he feel like the bad guy? This was his house and he decided what he ate.

"Is it me or does my house look weird?

-I cleaned while you were asleep."

Gilbert almost choked and Andrew immediately ran to get him water.

"Eat slowly. Take your time.

-How long was I asleep for? Two months? How could you clean, shop and cook?"

Andrew smiled really proud of himself:

"I could come by anytime to do this for you. I would love to.

-How the heck do you even know how to do it? I don't think they teach you how to clean at the noble's school.

-I asked a chef how to do it.

-Were you that bored?

-I wanted to cook for you. If you want to, I could cook for you anytime.

-Were the meals your doing too?

-Not at the beginning. I needed time to be good enough."

Gilbert's jaw fell. How could this even be possible?

"Did you want me to be the guinea pig for your chef career?

-I wanted to see you smile."

Gilbert almost threw up.

"You are the happiest when you eat. Therefore I wanted to make you happy.

-But why?

-Because I love you.

-Right. Totally forgot about that part."

With the rumors dying out Gilbert really did forget about what Andrew said to him. This made the latter even sadder. How could Gilbert be so unbothered that he didn't even remember his confession? Some people said it was really romantic but Gilbert didn't care at all. Andrew really wanted to impress him but nothing seemed to work.

"Why are you here anyway?"

Andrew took out the map again and showed Gilbert his plans for the vacation. He had been working on this for weeks and couldn't wait to take Gilbert everywhere. He booked a whole island for two months for Gilbert to swim and relax. On this island he brang around the best chef's in the world as well as famous performers to have shows every night. Aside from all this he prepared a lot of activities such as fireworks or even boat trips.

Seeing all of this was already really tiresome for Gilbert. How would he be able to survive all of this? He usually only slept during vacation.

"Do I have to?"

Andrew had expected that answer and smiled:

"If you come I'll multiply your pay by five."

Gilbert almost choked again and Andrew slowly rubbed his back:

"Maybe we should talk about this after eating.


Andrew thought that Gilbert really liked money but the truth was Gilbert needed it and he couldn't say no to such a sum.

"I could even multiply it by six if you do every activity on the list."

Gilbert thought about it. He would die if he did all of this. Two months alone with Andrew on an island, he knew how addicted he was to sex. But could he say no to six times his usual pay? The answer was really logic but Gilbert knew he would still regret it later on.

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