Chapter 68

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With everything that had been happening I completely forgot about Cadmael's birthday coming up. The Emperor was finally turning 18 and that was a huge event for the country. It had to be the biggest ball ever seen and people from all around the world were invited to attend.

By turning 18 Cadmael would also be old enough to marry and it seemed he wanted to hold our marriage the same day as his birthday. I discovered this sitting on his lap while Alphonse was telling him about the organization of the ball. At first they had been talking about normal things like the guests and decorations. I did feel like a lot of people were being invited but that was more than normal for an Emperor's birthday. Therefore I didn't pay it any mind and focused on studying for my exams.

My chair hadn't been brought back and I got used to sitting on Cadmael's lap. The others got used to seeing me there too and I didn't have any trouble focusing on my work anymore. On the contrary, I couldn't focus better than when I was on Cadmael's lap. I would completely ignore the others and would only be conscious of Cadmael's hands around my body. What picked my curiosity however was what happened next:

"We contacted the best pastry chef of the continent and he will be arriving shortly by carriage. He should be here by Thursday utmost.

-He should get started as soon as she arrives. We want a 10-storey lemon cake."

Hearing lemon made my head jerk up:

"Lemon cake?"

Cadmael immediately smiled.

"What else would we be eating? You love lemon."

I shook my head:

"I am very touched but we should eat something you like for your birthday.

-I am fine with any wedding cake."

I needed a few seconds to understand:

"Wedding cake?


-Whose wedding will it be?

-Ours of course."

I almost fell off and Cadmael surrounded me with his arms to steady me in place. He was looking at me as if everything was normal and he even seemed taken aback by my surprise.

"Our wedding?


-When did we agree on this?

-I said that I would put a ring on your finger as soon as possible and I will finally be of marriageable age.

-But I will still be 17.

-Just for a few more days.


Alphonse coughed:

"I think I should give you two some space."

I didn't have time to say anything that he ran away. It seemed he couldn't wait to disappear and I couldn't blame him. This would be an uncomfortable conversation for him. Cadmael didn't even wait for the door to close and put his head on my shoulder:

"Remember when I won the sparring tournament?"

At first I thought he was trying to change the topic but I soon understood the connection.

"You said that you would grant me a wish if I won. This is my only wish. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

-We don't have to get married to be together.

-But if you become my Empress, no one will be able to hurt you anymore. You will be the most powerful person of the Empire and I will be able to protect you. You will be untouchable. You will be able to do anything you want.

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