Chapter 29

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The next day the first thing I saw were two eyes fixated on my lips. I immediately froze, having forgotten for a moment what happened the day before. When Cadmael felt me move he lifted his gaze and smiled softly:

"Did you have a good dream?"

For some reason this scene felt really weird and I quickly got up. However something retained me on the bed and when I looked I saw that Cadmael was still holding my hand. I frowned. Did we sleep like this? Did I forget to let go of his hand? Cadmael followed my gaze before pulling my hand closer to him.

"Sorry. I fell asleep like this. I was scared that you would disappear if I let go."

I immediately relaxed and laughed:

"It's okay. Just never lend me your powers again."

Cadmael immediately frowned and I patted his head:

"I got it. I won't make jokes about it anymore."

Cadmael's birthday was coming up and I couldn't wait to spend it with him. He never was invited to my birthday balls. Not that it really mattered. My birthday balls were horribly boring and no one paid attention to me. I usually never spent more than an hour there. Not that Cadmael could have spent time with me even if he wanted to. He always had a little gift for me but I always ran away after thanking him quickly. I kept all of his presents and was very grateful for them. Others just gave the most expensive thing. He was the only one who really wanted to please me.

I didn't know how he managed to do it but he always gave me the thing I wanted most and for all these years I wanted to give him the best birthday ever. I immediately went to his door as soon as I woke up. I had years of experience in baking cakes. I did really well and was very satisfied with myself. A soon as Cadmael opened his door he saw the cake and me and I saw his eyes get huge:

"Is this for me?

-Happy birthday!"

Cadmael seemed really puzzled for a second but I could see that he was extremely touched by my intention. He slowly woke up from his surprise and moved aside to let me come into his room. I went to his table and put the cake down before cutting a huge piece for him.

"I'm sorry I don't have any plates or forks. I can go get some."

Cadmael shook his head so I handed him the piece of cake. However he just stared at it for a moment, not taking it. He suddenly decided something and bent toward the cake to take a bite. I backed away before realizing and Cadmael seemed disappointed.

"Feed me.

-I beg your pardon?

-Why not? It's my birthday."

I signed.

"You are just making fun of me.

-I would not.

-You really want me to feed you for your birthday?"

Cadmael took my wrist softly and raised my hand to his mouth. I let him do as he pleased not getting why this was so important for him. Cadmael's bite was really slow and as he took it, I felt his lips touch my fingers. I frowned. Wasn't this really weird? Why did he want me to feed him?

Cadmael didn't let go of my wrist and continued eating, taking his time. I didn't know what to say and felt more and more unseasy. How was I supposed to behave in this kind of situation? I didn't know what to do and that made me puzzled. Cadmael didn't seem bothered at all. He behaved as if this was totally normal and I was a bit reluctant to burst his bubble.

The cake was almost finished and Cadmael touched my hand more and more with his lips and tongue. It started to be too much for me and I backed away. Cadmael let me go before licking the corner of his lips.

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