Chapter 8

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"Do you know a bit of Greek mythology?

-No. Tell me everything."

I smiled. I couldn't keep quiet in the end. I couldn't do this to my sister.

"I can't tell you everything there is too much but I was thinking about the story behind the laurel wreath."

Cadmael was looking at me eager to hear more.

"There are multiple versions but this is the most famous one : Daphné was a gorgeous nymph. She was just like Apollo's sister and prefered to live in the woods hunting and exploring. She didn't want lovers but one day Apollo spotted her and immediately fell in love. He chased after her and constantly followed her despite her rejecting him. She was exhausted and called her father for help as she was nearing her father's water. He was the one who changed her into a laurel tree and then Apollo decided to take the laurel wreath as his symbol. He failed to violate Daphné but still wore her as a trophee. Which is horrible. Then because of Apollo, the laurel wreath was given as a trophee to people who won games and thus came the custom of giving a laurel wreath. It all came from a woman who had to turn into a tree to escape a man she didn't want anything to do with. I find this disgusting and even today, the one who wins the sparring tournament is given a laurel wreath."

Cadmael didn't say a word, scared to miss even one of my words. Now that he knew I felt better. Maybe this would prevent him from giving the wreath to Diana. I didn't want the story to change but I had to tell him. Maybe I could find something else for Cadmael to give Diana.

"Speaking of which, have you decided on the tournament?"

Cadmael suddenly showed a mischievous smile:

"Do you really want me to sign up?

-The question is if you want to sign up.

-I would do it immediately if you told me to.

-You shouldn't be thinking like that.

-But I have nothing to gain from this tournament.

-What do you mean? You would be the strongest in the school if you won."

Cadmael didn't seem amazed. Did I change him so bad that he didn't even want to participate anymore? Cadmael had to participate and win the tournament. He had to give Diana the laurel wreath. The original Cadmael's motivation was to beat Eschyle as well as everyone but now he saw me as a master and not his rival. What should I do to motivate him? I thought about it but didn't know what to propose.

"If you win, the person you like would be very amazed.

-Would you be amazed?

-Of course. I want to see my disciple's progress."

Cadmael seemed almost convinced. He was surely thinking about Diana and how amazed she would be seeing him win. I anxiously waited for his response but he still wasn't sure:

"I don't want a laurel wreath. You don't like them."

I thought I was going to cry. My words backfired completely. I was happy that he didn't want a laurel wreath but he didn't want it for the wrong reasons and he had to participate in the tournament.

"What else do you want?

-Will you give me anything?

-Of course. If you win, you'll have a reward."

Cadmael seemed finally interested.

"Anything I want?

-Anything at all."

I wasn't scared about this reward. What could a child ask for anyway? He most certainly wanted to go somewhere together or sparre more or eat something. I was willing to do anything for him to participate in the tournament.

Cadmael immediately disappeared to train and I wanted to go to the library in the meantime when I heard a familiar voice:

"Stop coming to my classroom. People will start asking questions."

I immediately recognised the tall man and the one he made cry the other day.

"I'm sorry, Andrew... I was just worried that you weren't eating well and wanted to give you a bento I prepared.

-I don't need to see you. You should have sent it with a servant. Why bother showing your face.

-I just really wanted to see you... I missed you..."

The smaller one started crying again which twisted my heart. He seemed so nice. How could you be so mean to him? I started walking towards them but by the time I arrived, the taller man already disappeared. I came up to the one crying and handed him a tissue. He looked at me for a second, surprised to see someone but then he accepted my tissue with a sad smile.

"Thank you."

I searched in my pockets and found a lemon candy that I handed him as well. The stranger seemed very surprised and looked at me for a moment before smiling happily. This gesture was enough to make him happy. He was so cute just like Cadmael.

"Thank you so much.

-I'm sorry I didn't do more.

-You don't have to do anything. I'm fine."

I shook my head.

"You don't seem fine and it is okay to say it. He shouldn't treat you the way he did. You deserve to be treated with kindness. You seem so nice. Why is he so mean?

-He is not mean. He is right, I shouldn't have come.

-Don't say that! You are the victim here. Not the other way round."

The strangers' smile was so sweet that I wanted to cry.

"I really am fine. Thank you for everything."

And he just left. He left me behind and I didn't even do anything to help him. Cadmael didn't come to class and prefered to train for the tournament. He still waited for me in front of the gate and we walked home together. We usually didn't talk but seeing my face, Cadmael asked:

"Did something happen?

-I saw the man that was crying again today. He seemed so sad and I didn't know what to do. I just gave him a candy and he left. I feel so bad for him.

-You gave him candy?

-Yes. He seemed so happy.

-You never gave me candy."

Cadmael had talked under his breath so I didn't hear him and asked him to repeat.

"I said: you must have felt bad.


-You can't help everyone.

-I know..."

Despite Cadmael's words, I still couldn't forget this young stranger. Cadmael saw that I wasn't myself these days and asked:

"Are you still thinking about the stranger whom you gave candy to?


-Is it that important for you to help him?

-I really want to but I have no idea who he is."

Cadmael didn't say more but the next hour he came up to me with answers:

"His name is Gilbert and people are saying that he is constantly following a noble named Andrew. He follows him like a dog and cries when Andrew tells him to leave. Pitiful.

-Poor Gilbert..."

For some reason Cadmael didn't seem very happy.

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