Chapter 92

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Andrew opened his mouth but closed it immediately back:

"I... What's hormones?"

Gilbert raised his eyebrows:

"Why are you so stupid?

-I'm sorry... If you give me a few days I will find out and we could continue this conversation right away."

Seeing Andrew apologize made Gilbert rub his forehead:

"It's okay. No one really knows what they are here anyway. It's not your fault."

Gilbert immediately regretted saying that because Andrew's eyes started shining:

"Are you trying to make me feel better?

-What? No! Why would I do that?"

But Andrew was in such a good mood that he couldn't hear Gilbert.

"Wipe that stupid smile away! I wasn't trying to make you feel better!

-Sure, you weren't.

-I wasn't!



-I love hearing you call my name.

-What the hell is wrong with you?"

Andrew continued smiling and Gilbert felt goosebumps all over his body:

"Stop that. I beg you.

-I am not doing anything.

-You are annoying.

-I'm sorry.

-Stop apologizing!

-I'm sorry.


Seeing Andrew and Gilbert argue, I pulled Cadmael's sleeve. The latter bent down towards me to hear what I had to say:

"Don't you mind that it's a book?

-Why would I? I already knew.

-I know, but... Do you think that... That you didn't have a choice but to love me?"

Cadmael quickly shook his head:

"You know me, no one can force me to do anything. Except for you of course."

I smiled:


-Yes. Besides, I should be the one asking you this question. After all, if someone got forced to love the other, it would be you."

I raised my eyebrows:

"What do you mean?"

Cadmael gently caressed my face, his eyes horribly gentle:

"I manipulated you into liking me."

I quickly shook my head:

"You should stop right here. Yes you did manipulate me but it was for me to lower my guard. I fell in love with you completely on my own."

I cupped his face:

"I fell in love with the real you. The one who was always there for me and who would worry over nothing. The one who was strong and would protect me against anyone. That's the person I fell in love with.


Cadmael surrounded my waist with his arms before pulling me in a kiss. His lips were so desperate that I couldn't keep up with whatever he was doing and I couldn't kiss him back at all despite all my tries:

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