Chapter 21

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Now that Cadmael didn't need my help with swordsmanship, we started meeting up for him to learn the cello. Cadmael was indeed a quick learner and I was very proud every time he managed to do what I showed him.

"Don't you want to join the music club? I asked."

If Cadmael joined a club, he would be able to make a lot of friends and have connections in this world. I didn't see him talk to people much. Maybe he would feel less shy with people who shared a common passion with him.

"Are you in the club?"

I didn't think this would be his reaction.

"No. I don't really like clubs."

I didn't like spending time with people. I was much happier surrounded by books. But this must be different for Cadmael. He was going to be emperor and he was going to be surrounded by a crowd all day long.

"Then me neither."

I almost laughed in front of this childish reaction.

"You don't have to copy everything I do. It would be a great opportunity to make new friends.

-I don't need other friends."

This child was really stubborn and I didn't know how to coax him.

"I won't always be there for you. Other friends could come in handy then."

I almost heard something break while looking at Cadmael's smile disappear. He suddenly got up and towered above me. I was so surprised that I quickly backed away but quickly ram into the wall. Cadmael was quick and protected my head before I crashed. Even though his hand was gentle, I never saw his eyes so dark before. I felt goosebumps and couldn't look away as if sucked in.

"Do you want to leave me?

-I can't stay with you forever.

-Why not?"

I didn't know what to say. I liked taking care of Cadmael but he was going to be the emperor. I had to disappear someday.

"I told you before. Don't leave me.

-Don't be scared I won't abandon you. But someday you'll be very busy and you won't have time for me anymore.

-I won't."

He was definitely stubborn.

"Promise me you won't leave me.

-Fine, I promise."

Cadmael immediately smiled and sat back in a good mood. I rolled my eyes. Of course I wasn't going to keep my promise. I was going to help Cadmael but someday he really won't need me anymore and I'll disappear then. However, I didn't forget my original plan:

"Don't you want to join a club? Not necessarily the music club.

-No. I prefer spending time with you.

-But being in a club is really great. You can share your passion with others. It is way funnier to share something you like. You can make lots of friends and have a great high school experience. Everyone joins clubs.

-Do you really want me to join a club?

-Yes. I believe it would do you a lot of good."

Cadmael looked at me with his piercing gaze. I started feeling uncomfortable when he suddenly straightened up:

"If this is what you want then I'll do it.


I couldn't believe it worked. Cadmael smiled at me softly:

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