Chapter 28

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The next event in the story was Cadmael's birthday. Up until now we didn't ever celebrate his birthday. I was avoiding Cadmael as much as I could but still felt bad not getting him anything. Therefore every year I secretly baked him a cake and left it in front of his door so that he would feel loved. This year I would finally have the occasion to celebrate his birthday publicly!

In the original novel, Cadmael never celebrated his birthday. In fact no one cared about him in the dukedom and the first year of high school he would finally get the chance to change this. Diana would hear about his upcoming birthday and get him the perfect present: a sword. Not any sword but an antiquity that she stumbled upon by chance and got for an amazing prize. It was a very powerful magic sword that would become Cadmael's favorite as well as his first present ever.

I didn't know if Diana already liked Cadmael but knew he would be waiting for a present from her. Therefore I organized a little birthday surprise party and invited Diana, Gilbert, Alphonse, our classmates and Cameals' sparring club mates to the event. I knew where the sword would be and immediately went to buy it before giving it to Diana:

"You could give this to Cadmael for his birthday.

-Oh, thank you. I didn't know what to get him. But do you have another present to give him?

-Yes don't worry. This is yours.

-Then tell me how much I own you.

-It's really nothing. You could buy me dinner someday.


Everything was going perfectly and I couldn't hide my good mood. While walking home Cadmael glanced at me with a smirk:

"What happened?"

I really tried to act as if nothing.

"I'm just in a good mood. There is a lot of sun today.

-Do you want to eat outside?

-Like a picnic? Great idea! Should we pack sandwiches?"

I rushed to the kitchen and looked around for ingredients. Cadmael watched me from the door with a curious smirk.

"I never saw a young master make sandwiches."

I smiled still in a great mood:

"That's your loss. I make the best sandwiches in the entire country.

-Then I can't miss it."

He finally came to my side and we packed a few sandwiches. Once outside we looked for a comfortable tree and sat under it before unpacking our dinner. Cadmael took a bite out of his sandwich and made a satisfied sound:

"This is indeed the best sandwich I've ever had.

-See? I told you I was the best.

-That I'm sure of."

I really enjoyed the peace and quiet and closed my eyes to feel the breeze on my face. Cadmael didn't say anything and devored his sandwich quickly. This made me laugh:

"What's gotten into you? Haven't you eaten in days?

-It's because it's so delicious.

-Stop you'll make me blush.

-That would be worth it."

After the sandwiches, Cadmael took out lemon candies from his pocket which made this day perfect.

"They're my favorite candy.

-I always have them on me.

-Then I'll always stay close to you."

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