Chapter 97

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Seeing me blush made Gilbert laugh:

"Children grow up so fast... My sweety really did become an adult."

I suddenly felt my legs leave the ground and wasn't even surprised by Cadmael lifting me up.

"You shouldn't stand for too long."

He brought me back to the throne and sat down while gently holding my butt. Seeing him do so made Gilbert laugh even more. I was grateful to Cadmael but he didn't choose his moment well.

"I knew that Cadmael was big but I didn't expect this. What's wrong? You can't even sit on your own?"

Gilbert looked at the other throne:

"Even with that cushion? Wow. That's really something. Even I never got myself into this state."

I thought I would die and tried my best to disappear in Cadmael's chest:

"How many times did you do it for him to be in this state?


-Camael, you should hold back next time. We don't want our baby to drop dead."

Cadmael flinched and I felt the air grow cold around him. I caressed his face knowing that he must have still felt bad. He didn't dare look at me but didn't push my hand away either. Hearing Gilbert laughing louder and louder made the ministers angry and the one closest to him immediately growled:

"This is not a time to make jokes. The Duke has been killed."

Gilbert hid his mouth, trying his best to stop:

"I'm so sorry. You're right. Go ahead."

He couldn't look at me at this point, always laughing when he saw my cheeks. It seemed Cadmael didn't find this funny either, being reminded of what happened afterwards:

"Bring in the Young Duke."

Rubert got pushed in by two guards and Cadmael glanced at me to make sure that I was fine. I nodded and looked back at Rubert. He looked rather pale, his eyes twice the size they usually were. His clothes were disheveled and he did his best to get out of the knight's hold.

"Let me go! I'm innocent!"

Gilbert looked Rubert up and down with a grimace:

"He looks worse than Jolie in the morning."

As soon as Rubert saw me, he yelled:

"Eschyle! You know I didn't do this! I am not a killer! I would never kill our father! I loved him!"

Cadmael frowned:

"How annoying."

The knights immediately forced Rubert to kneel, knocking him on the head. This made him stop talking, trying his best to get his senses back.

"We have other things to do. So tell us, why did you kill the Duke?"

Rubert quickly shook his head:

"I didn't!

-Did the Duke's return put your position in jeopardy?


Cadmael sighed and after one hand gesture, Rubert got hit in the head again. Seeing him in this state made the ministers whisper between them. They didn't have time to say anything however that the door opened again and Marvin rushed in:

"Your Majesty!"

He ran towards us and fell to his knees:

"I beg you to have mercy on The Duke! He would never kill anyone."

Seeing Marvin made Rubert roll his eyes:

"What the hell are you doing here?

-I came to save you! I know you.... You are not like this."

He turned back towards Cadmael:

"Please, listen to me!"

Seeing how cold Cadmael's eyes were made Marvin flinch.

"I thought I redirected you to the stables."

I frowned:

"You did what?"

Cadmael shrugged:

"You said that I couldn't fire him.


He looked away:

"Anyway, we heard enough. Take this man away.

-No! Please, your Highness! I assure you that Rubert is innocent!"

The latter frowned:

"You mean the Duke."

Marvin didn't lose his composure:

"He has loved his father with all his heart. He would never hurt the one he looked up at."

Seeing the knights come towards him made Marvin panic:

"What about the first accident? Someone tried killing the Duke a first time but it didn't work."

Hearing the ministers whisper, I looked at Cadmael, worried. He just smirked, not worried at all.

"The first person surely came back to finish what they started. And they must have tried accusing Rubert for it.

-I am the Duke! Not Rubert.

-Please, Your Highness... Think about it. Why would Rubert be stupid enough to leave the murder weapon in his own study? That doesn't make any sense!"

Cadmael sighed:

"Are you done?


-You may leave now.

-Wait! Maybe it was you! Why would you dismiss me so easily? You want Rubert to die! Or maybe it's you Eschyle!"

I frowned. How the hell did I get sucked into this?

"Don't you dare call The Empress by his name.

-You were always jealous of Rubert because your father loved him more than you! You wanted to kill him! And now you want to kill Rubert!"

The Young Duke couldn't take it anymore:

"For God's sake! I am the Duke! Not Rubert! How many times do I have to tell you? How dare you call me by my name you peasant? Maybe you killed my father.

-What? I...

-Yes! I am sure you did it. You have always followed me everywhere like a puppy. Maybe you were jealous of my father. It wasn't Eschyle, it was you. You couldn't take the idea of me spending time with someone else other than you.

-I would never...

-Oh really? Are you saying that I'm lying?"

Marvin opened his mouth before biting his lip. He looked back at Cadmael and me before his tears started flowing:

"I really did... I am so sorry... I..."

His tears started flowing more and more and he had trouble speaking:

"But it wasn't jealousy. I would never hurt you... I just wanted you to be Duke, I... I am so sorry... I never should have done it. I feel terrible. I..."

I suddenly noticed that Gilbert was rubbing his index to his thumb for some reason. Rubert on the other hand just laughed:

"See? I told you that it wasn't me. Now let me go and take that man to his cell."

Cadmael shook his head:

"Take both of them to a cell.

-What? But he just admitted that it was him!

-Yes, it was me! Leave Rubert alone. He didn't do anything."

Cadmael rubbed his ears:

"I heard enough.

-But your Majesty...

-We will talk about this tomorrow."

And just like that he lifted me before walking out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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