Chapter 65

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Cadmael froze for a second and I knew that if I opened my eyes I would see him with wide eyes. However I didn't let go of his cheeks and continued pressing my lips to his. I only knew that I wanted him to continue kissing me but I had lost all my courage when our lips met. Why wasn't he moving? What was I supposed to do now? How are you supposed to kiss someone?

Feeling me lost, Cadmael chuckled before surrounding my body with his arms. He pulled me towards his torso, lifting me slightly from the mattress and pressed me against his body with a smile. He took his time and licked my lips before kissing me back. His kiss was much sweeter than before and he gave me time to keep up with him, stopping from time to time to let me breathe. It felt so good that I was melting. Slowly my tears calmed down and I focused completely on his lips. However Cadmael made that hard too because while he was kissing me, his hands started moving as they pleased. Everywhere he touched me I could feel my skin burn but I tried my best keeping up with it despite it getting harder and harder to breathe. But when I felt his hand suddenly slide under my shirt, I jumped. I immediately pushed him back and Cadmael looked down at me while pouting.

"W-what are you doing?

-You seemed a bit hot, I was just helping.

-D-don't, I'm fine.

-Too bad. The truth is I really wanted to see you naked."

I immediately froze and my whole body blushed at the same time. Seeing me flustered, Cadmael smiled before bending closer to my face:

"I have been waiting for years to see your bare skin.


-Not only see, I want to lick it."

I thought my heart would jump out of my chest and I grabbed my shirt with all my might, scared that he would rip it off. That made Cadmael laugh:

"You don't want to? Okay, then should I be the one stripping first?"

At this point I couldn't feel my cheeks anymore. How could he say all those things without budging?

"Don't you want to see me naked? You would love it."

I didn't know that I could go even redder and I tried hiding my face but Cadmael grabbed my hands with a smirk:

"Don't hide your face. It is mine now. I want to see it.

-W-what are you calling yours?

-You. I am yours of course so wouldn't it be fair for you to be mine too?"

I frowned:

"How am I yours?

-Aren't we dating now? Don't tell me you are a player and want to leave as soon as you have your way with me."

I couldn't help laughing. Cadmael's expression was just too funny. How could I be the player when he was the one who couldn't keep his hands to himself? Seeing me in a good mood, made Cadmael smile:

"You finally smiled."

He gently touched my cheek and I could see his eyes grow darker.

"I don't like seeing you cry like that. It makes me want to... Never mind."

Being with Cadmael made me forget about everything that had been weighing on me for the past years. I felt light and happy. I didn't regret kissing him at all. Especially not when he was looking at me with those eyes. How could I not see how much he cared about me? Deep down I always knew but I just couldn't face it. I was too scared that it would turn out the same way as in my past life. I just couldn't accept his love. It was way too deep and way too imprevisible. But now it didn't matter anymore. I trusted him.

While thinking that, I gently caressed Cadmael's cheek. The latter froze before taking my lips back hostage. I was so surprised that I jumped and grabbed Cadmael's shirt. After a few seconds he finally let me free but I was already out of breath.


-You looked too tasty.

-I am not food!

-Really? Let me check one more time then."

Cadmael bent towards my lips again but I covered his lips. Seeing me do so, Cadmael frowned:

"When can I kiss you again?

-T-that's not something you should ask.

-I have to because you just blocked my lips.

-Sorry. I just need a few minutes to calm my breathing."

Cadmael smirked:

"Are you flustered?


Cadmael got taken aback by my honesty which made me laugh:

"You have made me flustered for some time now."

I was still covering Cadmael's lips and the later growled:

"Is this torture?"

I suddenly realized that I still didn't let him go and moved my hand away:

"Sorry. I didn't mean to."

The next second Cadmael's lips were back on mine and all I could do at this point was let go. Cadmael kissed me with the same intensity as he did the first time and after a short time I could feel my head spin. When he felt it was too much, Cadmael pulled back and as if I came out of water I breathed quickly while Cadmael was staring at me, ready to kiss me once I calmed down. I had no idea how much time passed like this but at the end I couldn't feel my lips anymore and my mouth was completely dry. Cadmael finally took pity on me and gave me a break:

"Do you want water?"

Not being able to talk, I just nodded. The next second Cadmael lifted me up and my arms already around his neck, I quickly surrounded him with my legs too, not wanting to fall.

"W-what are you doing?

-Getting you water."

Cadmael said it as if I was completely stupid and I rolled my eyes:

"Why are you taking me with you?

-I wanted you to hug me.

-What does that have to do with taking me with you?

-Lifting you up will make you hug me so that you don't fall."

I frowned.

"What if I don't hug you?"

Cadmael smiled before letting go of my body. Therefore I had to cling to him if I didn't want to fall. This made Cadmael laugh and he quickly surrounded me with his arms again:

"See? If you don't want to fall you should hug me."

I sighed:

"You are a snake."

Cadmael laughed visibly in a very good mood. Seeing him this happy after almost dropping me made me grumpy:

"Put me down. I will hug you after you get me water."

Cadmael raised his eyebrows:

"How could I leave my Empress alone for that long?"

I almost choked on the small quantity of saliva I had left:


-Would you prefer being referred to as Emperor?

-Aren't you going too fast?"

Cadmael shook his head curtly.

"We are getting married. I am never going to leave you and I am going to protect you.

-B-but, this is all too quick. Shouldn't we start by dating?

-No. I want a ring on your finger the fastest possible."

I opened my eyes wide. Was Cadmael as insecure as I was? This thought was somewhat comforting.

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