Chapter 61

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I avoided Cadmael for the whole day. Well, I tried to. I didn’t go to his study but I didn’t manage to go to school by myself or to escape our meals together. Feeling my unsease, Gilbert couldn’t refrain from asking:

“What happened?”

Diana immediately tried to silence him but Gilbert wasn’t budging:

“Your cheeks are red. Are you hot?

-I’m fine.

-Are you sure. We could eat outside if you prefer.”

Even Andrew felt that something was uncomfortable in the air and tried to stop Gilbert from investigating. He took a carrot and placed it in Gilbert’s mouth. He didn’t seem to like getting fed and spat out the carrot to Andrew’s face:

“What am I? A rabbit? I already told you not to do that.”

Andrew didn’t seem surprised at all and smiled softly:

“I’m sorry.”

This seemed to irritate Gilbert even more. 

“Stop apologizing all the time. It’s really pissing me off.

-I’m sorry.”

Gilbert grunted and left. He apparently lost his appetite and Andrew followed quickly after. Despite Gilbert pushing him away again and again, Andrew seemed happy. It seemed he liked being yelled at way more than being ignored and Gilbert was finally paying attention to him.

I successfully avoided Cadmael for the rest of the day and it exhausted me to be always on the lookout. I wanted to take a warm bath and relax but couldn’t find my pajamas in my room. I frowned and went to my dressing where I frowned again. Why was my dressing empty? Where did all my clothes go? I didn’t remember hearing about someone moving them or cleaning the room so I called a maid to ask:

“I’m sorry to bother you but where did my clothes go?”

The maid seemed a bit surprised by my question:

“They are in his majesty’s room.”

I was even more surprised by her response and she started feeling uncomfortable:

“He asked us to move them this morning. I’m sorry, I thought your grace knew.

-I didn’t…”

I sighed.

“Thank you, I'll ask his Majesty directly.”

She nodded and I went to Cadmael’s study. As expected no one stopped me and even the door immediately opened when I arrived. Cadmael was with his ministers again. I saw them a lot lately and I started worrying. It was normal for an emperor to have a lot of work. Even more so for a new emperor. But weren’t they here too much? Was there something going on? The original book didn’t mention what happened after Cadmael got on the throne and killed Eschyle. The story was over soon after so I didn’t know about any country affairs. But it wasn’t the same year as when the original Cadmael ascended to the throne. My sister didn’t really tell me about the political problems during Cadmael’s childhood. I had to try remembering some things.

Cadmael immediately smiled when he saw me. I didn’t return his smile, irritated and he immediately guessed what was going on. What was worse was that despite guessing, his smile widened. I really wanted to hit him right now but I refrained in front of the ministers. I didn’t turn around to leave knowing that Cadmael would come after me and just sat down on the chair next to him. There were always two identical chairs in front of his desk and I guessed it was for me. 

The ministers seemed quite happy to see me and I recognized Marvin among them. He seemed wary of Cadmael too now and was standing as far away as possible trying to disappear among the others. When he saw me he relaxed a little and even waved to me. I smiled before waving back. Marvin was a little older than me but he seemed really nice and lively. I quite liked the way he smiled and wanted to get to know him. It was my first time wanting to be friendly with someone. I used to be so scared of people that I never wanted to actually get to know them. Was this all thanks to Cadmael?

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