Chapter 64

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I couldn't answer and had to find another topic of conversation quickly. I felt my head spin at 100 per hour thinking about anything I could say for him to let me off the hook. Why couldn't I tell him I wasn't flustered? I didn't dare think about it and wanted to run away as far as possible. My head was a mess and I could only think of one thing :

"When will we go on a vacation together?"

Cadmael raised his brows surprised by my question but he soon recovered and smiled :

"Are you that desperate to be alone with me?

-No! I meant with the others."

He didn't seem to like my answer and I felt his hand twitch on my side. His movements sent electric shocks throughout my whole body and I tensed up my breathing getting harder :

"Wrong answer, Eschyle.

-We s-said we would g-go together. I would really like to go.


-I love the sea. A-and the others too. We wanted to go all t-together.

-I don't want to go with them.

-B-but there will be Alphonse, your friend and Diana. She really loves s-swimming and-


His eyes were really dark and I forgot to breathe:

"What did I tell you last time? If you talk about Diana in front of me again."

I was so flustered that I couldn't remember anymore and just nodded. Seeing me do so, Cadmael raised his eyebrows:

"Are you okay with it?"

I just nodded again. I didn't have time to understand what was going on and I suddenly I felt something hot touch my lips. When I realized it was Cadmael's lips I froze feeling my body burn. I raised my eyes and saw him looking straight at me. His eyes had the same intensity as when he told me he loved me. I couldn't turn away and suddenly felt something moist between my lips. This woke me up and I started fidgeting. However Cadmael only tightened his hold around my body and pulled me even closer, not giving me space to breathe.

I couldn't move my body anymore and pinched my lips not letting him through. My whole body shut down and I forgot to breathe. I felt my body shaking and started panicking. Why was I feeling so hot? What was going on? Why couldn't I push him away? Did I want more? I couldn't! Impossible!

Keeping my mouth stubbornly shut, Cadmael licked and kissed my lips again and again like a famished animal. He didn't take his eyes off me and I had to shut them, not bearing the stimulation. I had never felt something like this before and had no idea how to react. I suddenly felt him bite my lip and I opened both my mouth and eyes in surprise.


Cadmael took advantage of the situation and penetrated me with his tongue. Feeling the warm and moist muscle, I started shaking and clung to his arm desperately. His tongue moved around freely as if the place was his and I couldn't keep up having a hard time breathing. Cadmael sensed my state and backed away a bit to let me breathe. It was as if I just came out of the water and Cadmael waited for me patiently but as soon as I was better he leaned in again :

"Breathe through your nose."

I didn't have time to do anything when his tongue was in my mouth again. He taped each one of my teeth as if to wake my mouth and every time he grazed my palate I shudered. Cadmael smiled, feeling my state through my frozen tongue. When he finally touched it it shook uncontrollably and Cadmael linked our tongues together not wanting to ever let go. He sucked it again and again while I was once again battling for breath.

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