Chapter 10- Gilbert's POV

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Gilbert grabbed his arm but he immediately got pushed back. He lost his balance and fell to the ground with a loud noise. He scraped his hand and Andrew turned back for some reason. When he saw the blood he froze for a second. He didn't have time to react because Gilbert quickly got up and ran away sniffling. Andrew slowly looked at his hands bewildered. Why did he do that? It wasn't his fault that Gilbert was that weak. He didn't even push him that hard.

He decided to forget about it but for some reason he couldn't get the image out of his head. He couldn't stop thinking about Gilbert recently and that irritated him greatly. He couldn't take it anymore and decided to grab a bandage for Gilbert. He felt even worse at the pharmacy. Why was he here? What had gotten into him? He didn't want to think about it too hard. It was the first time he physically hurt Gilbert and he felt bad. That was all. The young boy was so cute to him all the time, he was only repaying him for all his attention. It was only for today.

However, when Andrew arrived he saw a completely different Gilbert than what he would have thought. Gilbert was sitting on a fountain with another boy he never saw before. Andrew never saw Gilbert smile like that and he froze. He was gorgeous with that smile. But why didn't he ever smile like this around him? And why was he smiling like that to the other boy? Andrew wanted to run and push the stranger far away from Gilbert but as soon as he realized that he froze. What was he thinking about? What was wrong with him?

He threw the bandage away and left as soon as possible. He wasn't jealous. Gilbert wasn't anyone to him. They were only having sex together and he hated Gilbert clinging to him more than anything. But then why was he looking behind him expecting Gilbert to appear any time? Andrew thought he would go mad and was in a worse mood than ever.

"Are you okay?"

It took a few seconds for Andrew to realize that Gilbert was really standing next to him, worried. He was completely drenched and his hand was bleeding but he looked at Andrew as if he were more important than anything. Andrew felt his heart skip a beat and that frightened him. He panicked and pushed Gilbert again. Gilbert fell and Andrew wanted to split his head open. What was he doing? He pushed him again. But Gilbert was so close. He didn't want him to hear his heart beat.

Andrew extended his hand without realizing but Gilbert kept his eyes focused on the ground and got up without seeing it. He started crying and blurted out:

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to disturb you. You just seemed sick and I was worried. Please go see a doctor. I could go cook you some porridge if you want.

-Who wants your porridge? Leave me alone!"

Andrew stormed off and started running all the way home. Gilbert was left alone and he was pissed. Really pissed. He looked at his muddied clothes and signed:

"That bastard. I look like shit thanks to you."

Before that, Gilbert had a lot of fun thinking about all the money he would get from this act but now he really wanted to get a little revenge.

"I know that it's an act but how do you dare push me? You are taking it too far."

He thought about it but decided to let the idea go. Andrew didn't deserve so much energy. The year was almost over and Gilbert didn't have time for revenge. Revenge was for people that you hated. Not for pitiful nobodies like Andrew.

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