Chapter 33

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As soon as I arrived, Diana and I met for tea while discussing our vacation. Cadmael appeared in the same café for some reason and I invited him to join us. He seemed really happy to be with Diana and I quickly decided to compliment him:

"This color looks great on you."

Cadmael smiled. This way I was killing two birds with one stone: I was raising Cadmael's self esteem and drawing Diana's attention to his beauty. I was amazing. I couldn't believe how much I missed this.

"Thank you, Eschyle. I feel way better in these clothes now."

I felt so proud that I blushed. Diana saw that and sipped some tea:

"I agree with Eschyle. This color suits you."

Did Diana finally fall in love with Cadmael? I knew that they needed some time! Maybe I could finally let the two of them meet without me. I was a little disappointed about it but I had to give them space. In the meantime I could hang out with Gilbert and Alphonse. Speaking of them:

"When will Gilbert and Alphonse come back?"

Diana put her cup down:

"Alphonse will be training with his father until the last day of vacation. As of Gilbert, I heard Andrew was going to take him back at the last second as well. Gilbert complained a lot about it saying that he needed time to sleep before starting school again."

I laughed imagining Gilbert deprived of sleep. As predicted by Diana, I didn't see the others before the entrance ceremony and Gilbert practically couldn't stand. When Andrew came to give him flowers Gilbert didn't have the strength to push him away and even let Andrew held his waist to help him stand. His eyes were closing and he was falling asleep. Seeing this, Andrew laughed before taking him home.

Wanting to give Cadmael and Diana some privacy, I turned to Alphonse:

"Did you have fun this summer?"

Alphonse didn't respond immediately:

"It was tiering.

-So you didn't. Too bad. Summer is usually meant to have fun and relax. Next time you could come with us if you want."

Cadmael and Diana weren't talking at all. They were listening to our conversation and for some reason Cadmael seemed in a bad mood. Was he hurt that Diana wasn't talking to him? Diana on the other hand seemed quite relaxed:

"Good idea. Next time all of us could go on a little trip.

-Sure! We could go to the beach!"

Cadmael didn't seem to like the idea at all. Did he not want us to see Diana in a bathing suit? He was being too prude. It was just a bathing suit. Maybe I should have a talk with him later on.

The others got quite excited at the idea of going on a trip and it was decided that next vacation we would go together. As we were walking home I tried to ask Cadmael his opinion on this trip:

"Are you not happy to go on a trip?

-Not with them."

I nodded. As expected, Cadmael only wanted to go with Diana. I patted his shoulder in an understanding way but that only made Cadmael frown even more:

"It's not what you think."

Was he shy? I nodded again not wanting to pry:

"You know, only those who want to will be stolen away. You don't have to worry. We are all friends and nothing will happen between them."

Cadmael's eyes darkened and he started walking faster. I had trouble keeping up and felt out of breath. I suddenly tripped and thought I would fall but the next second I felt hands supporting my waist and when I looked up I saw Cadmael looking down at me with worried eyes. I smiled at him:

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