Chapter 30

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Cadmael never took off his bracelet and went nowhere without his sword. He even took it to class and I was sure that he slept next to it. It was really cute to see this child being in love and he was acting so cheeky that I almost forgot that he was the male lead. I got quickly reminded when seeing him during one of his sparring training sessions. He had always been strong. Both physically and magically speaking. But being armed with his magic sword made him thousand times stronger.

No one could keep up with him and Alphonse was quickly defeated as well. No one dared come up to him and he had to train alone against a huge machine. Feeling my gaze, Cadmael turned around and beckoned me to approach. I looked at the machine with doubtful eyes.

"Do you want to try?"

I wasn't sure I wanted to be even close to this thing. It looked like a monster and threw magic attacks with a terrifying speed. Cadmeal guessed my thoughts and laughed:

"It's okay. It's easier than it looks.

-I'm sure it is for you.

-I could help you."

That's when it struck me. A few months ago, this young child couldn't even lift up a sword. I trained him and he achieved so much. A year had almost passed and he won the sparring tournament and now he was training against this thing. He was stronger than anyone and didn't need my help anymore. I couldn't even say that he was a child. He was still softhearted and quick to cry but he could kill any monster that came his way. Was it time for me to disappear or did I need to help him with his tendency for tears? Would people make fun of him for it or would it be okay? I still had a few years before he became emperor anyway.


As I was lost in thought, Cadmael positioned himself behind me and englobed me with his hands before putting his sword between my palms. I still wasn't sure I wanted to do this and was really tense. Cadmael felt it and got even closer to me. This felt more like a hug than training.

"Relax. Everything will be fine."

I immediately got reminded of the times he helped me get on horse back and my body relaxed without me knowing. Cadmael smiled seeing the effect he had on me and started the machine. Let's be honest: I would have been seriously hurt without Cadmael behind me. The machine wasn't stopping for a reason and I was completely exhausted after a few minutes. I laid down on the grass and tried my best to calm my heartbeat.

Cadmael sat down next to me and I felt his gaze wander on my face for a few minutes. When I opened my eyes he smiled at me:

"You would manage it after a few more tries.

-No. Never again."

Cadmael seemed a bit disappointed.

"I'll leave you the sword."

This made him immediately smile:

"Is this a promise?

-What do you mean?

-I'll be your sword."

I wanted to accept without thinking but held back at the last second:

"You don't have to be anyone's sword, Cadmael. You have to protect yourself first.

-I want to.


-I want to be your sword."

He seemed really determined and I didn't know how to tell him no. He wasn't a child anymore he wouldn't turn greedy just because I abandoned once:


Cadmael seemed really pleased by my answer and for a few seconds I looked at the sky in silence. However feeling his gaze on my face made me uneasy and I tried to say something:

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