Chapter 16

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I couldn't stop thinking about what Cadmael told me. The next day he continued behaving as usual but I couldn't do the same. I had to do something. How could I make the two of them fall in love? I had no experience in love and couldn't ask Diana or Cadmael. The only other person that I knew was Gilbert so I immediately went to find him. Gilbert seemed very happy to see me and gave me a huge hug:

"Eschyle! How are you my dear?

-I need your help."

Gilbert seemed very interested:

"Of course. Anything, my life is too boring so I am grateful for any distraction.

-It's about love."

His eyes started shining and he dragged me to a bench to sit on.

"Tell me everything. Did the polar bear finally ask you out?

-Polar bear? I wasn't talking about me.


-Who is the polar bear?"

Gilbert started laughing.

"Nothing. Go on, don't mind me, I sometimes say strange things."

However I couldn't continue because Andrew appeared from nowhere and grabbed Gilbert by the collar. He seemed very angry and his hands started turning red from the force exerted.

"What do you think you are doing here? Flirting in broad daylight."

Gilbert started crying and I jumped up without thinking ready to help. However I suddenly remembered that this was all an act. Was I supposed to say nothing? What was I supposed to do? Gilbert needed something from Andrew which meant that I could ruin everything by helping him. However, no one deserved to be treated this way even if it was just an act. I was completely lost.

"I wasn't flirting, I swear. He is just my friend and he was asking for help. You are the only one I love, I swear."

Andrew didn't seem convinced. He started yelling:

"I knew that I couldn't trust you! You can't even behave for a day!

-Why are you so angry, Andrew? You always flirt with people in front of me. You told me to leave you alone at school."

Andrew seemed on the verge of losing it but he didn't know what to say and pushed Gilbert back on the bench before turning around. Gilbert cried even more and grabbed Andrew's leg:

"I'm sorry! I don't know why I said that. I just really missed you! Please don't leave me!"

Andrew pushed him back and left, still smoldering from anger. Gilbert cried for a few more seconds before smiling:

"And end of scene!"

He started laughing and seeing his face going from deep despair to joy made me shiver:

"Wow. I don't have words. One second ago you seemed really sad. I was really scared and didn't know what to do. Please don't do that in front of me because I still feel bad about it. I think I'll even have nightmares because of this."

Gilbert laughed again.

"I take it as a compliment. My acting is amazing. I almost lost it, however. I can't believe this guy. He is a huge douche but he still managed to be angry at me for talking to a friend. How could you be such a narcissistic hypocrite? Something must have happened to him as a child. I guess his parents never paid attention to him. At least!"

I couldn't help laughing. Was it normal for someone who had just been abused to be this cheerful? I didn't know how to react and could only accompany Gilbert in his good mood.

"There is just one thing I don't understand. Usually I had to find him myself but nowadays he shows up all the time. It's horrible. I have to drink five bottles of water every day to keep up with the act. Do you know how drying it is to cry nonstop? I can't do this much longer. My eyes won't open anymore."

While talking, Gilbert stroked his eyes, his face visibly worried. I couldn't keep up with his emotions.

"Are my eyes swollen? They can't get swollen. Did you see how gorgeous my eyes were? They are one of my greatest features. I can't rob the world of this site."

Gilbert seemed so desperate that I laughed. Seeing me making fun of him made him frown and he crossed his arms on his chest:

"What a cheap friend. I am opening my heart to you and you laugh at my misery. I hate this.

-Sorry. I was just really amazed by you.

-I know I'm amazing.

-How can you be so confident?

-Why wouldn't I be?"

Gilbert seemed genuinely puzzled by my question. As if he never thought about doubting himself.

"How long do you have to continue doing this? I don't think this is good for you, however confident you are.

-Just a month left! And then I'll be free! Can't wait to disappear with all this money. I'll buy a baby goat and name him Benny. Then Benny and I we'll move to a huge house in the middle of nowhere. I will grow carrots and learn to play the violin.

-Why the violin?

-Is this the only surprising part? I always wanted to play the violin."

Gilbert didn't tell me more. He didn't really talk about anything important about him.

"Won't you be sad?

-Sad? Me?

-You are lying to someone to get money. Even if he is not a good person, don't you feel bad?"

Gilbert laughed so much he almost choked.

"Not a good person? This is an understatement. He is the worst human being on earth. Well the worst one I met at least. Who would be sad? I'll forget him the second I leave and have a wonderful life without any worries."

After saying this, Gilbert suddenly hugged me:

"But I will definitely miss you though! Don't worry I'll write to you a lot. And you can come anytime to visit. Benny will like you I'm sure about it! And I'll cook delicious carrot cake for you. Am I not the best friend ever?"

I smiled and Gilbert got serious suddenly remembering something:

"What was the advice you wanted before?

-It's about two of my friends. I think they would be really good together but they don't really seem to like each other.

-Why would you want them to be together?"

I thought about it for a moment. It would be way easier to tell Gilbert about the book.

"I know that they would be happy that way.

-But if they don't like each other. You can't force them to.

-I don't want to force them... It's just that they look really good together. I want them to be happy."

Gilbert signed.

"Oh boy. Poor polar bear."

He looked at me for a moment and bent even closer. His smile had something terrifying:

"I'll help you this could be fun."

Gilbert was still hugging me when we heard someone stop next to us. When I looked up I saw Cadmael looking at us with very cold eyes. I remembered how we left things off and wanted to greet him with a smile to ease the atmosphere but before I could say anything Gilbert grabbed me and pulled me even closer to him smiling broadly at Cadmael:

"Hello there. Were you looking for our cute little Eschyle?"

Cadmael couldn't take his eyes off the places where Gilbert was touching me. I didn't understand why he looked so irritated and thought that maybe he got bullied again and didn't want to talk about it in front of Gilbert. I got up and told Gilbert that I would see him later on before following Cadmael. I didn't see the glare he shot Gilbert and thus didn't understand why he started laughing.

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