Chapter 6

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As soon as we arrived home, I was told that my father wanted to speak to me. It was a very rare occasion and I didn't know how to feel about this. The Duke had never shown any warmth. He did as if Eschyle didn't exist and when he wanted something from him, he ordered in a firm voice.

This wasn't an exception. The Duke didn't even look at me and told me what he wanted to say without asking for my opinion. He didn't even tell me to sit or propose any tea. It was as if he wanted his son to disappear as soon as possible.

"A meeting will be fixed with your fiance. She is in the same high school as you.

-I understand."

And this was all. I left and learned later on that the meeting would be held in a cafe not far from school. I got ready to leave and was very richly dressed for the occasion. I had to show off the Duke's power during this meeting after all.

As I got out of my room, I found myself face to face with Cadmael. The prince looked at me with curiosity before raising an eyebrow.

"Are you going somewhere? I thought we would spare.

-I'm sorry but we have to start later. I have an appointment.

-With whom?"

I thought about my answer for a second. Cadmael should have been in love with Diana by now and I didn't want him to be jealous. Should I explain the situation and say that I didn't want this marriage? No, that would make it seem as if I was lying. I was dressed too well for someone against a marriage.

"Just someone."

Cadmael didn't say anything but looked at me for a long time. Feeling embarrassed, I took my leave and went to the café. When I arrived Diana stood up and smiled broadly. I didn't think she would be so polite to someone she didn't like so I smiled too. I didn't hate Diana and wanted us to be on good terms.

"Did you wait long?

-No, I just arrived.


We smiled awkwardly and sat down to drink tea.

"I heard from your father that you are the head of your class."

I smiled. I definitely couldn't get used to this pride. Seeing me smile this way made Diana's cheeks go a little red. I thought that it was due to the awkwardness of the situation and didn't think too much about it.

"I didn't think that the Duke would tell you such a thing.

-Why not? This isn't something common. People are usually proud enough if they are the heads in one class. But all of them is something else entirely."

I really liked Diana. I didn't understand how the original Eschyle could have been so horrible to her. The way she smiled and complimented me was adorable.

"I quite enjoy studying. I find our subjects fascinating.

-I never heard anyone say that. Usually people complain about the heavy workload.

-Don't you like studying?"

Being the female lead, it would have only been natural for Diana to love studying and to have perfect scores at every exam. Now that I was thinking about it, Diana was probably my rival at this school. As long as I didn't get jealous of her and didn't hurt her there was no problem.

"I am just the same as you. I see more of the library than my own room.

-Me too! The school's library is huge!"

I suddenly realized that I got carried away and sat back, my cheeks turning red. However, Diana only laughed and served me tea. The atmosphere became very comfortable and we talked about our favorite subjects for hours. I really liked spending time with Diana and wasn't scared of her at all. In this book, Diana was probably the nicest and most innocent character of them all. I really wanted to get closer to her and even become friends but I was still scared that Cadmael would take it the wrong way. I could easily die if Cadmael thought that I stole his fiance. On the other hand, the Cadmael of now was unable to kill anyone. I really didn't know what to do.

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