Chapter 35

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There were a lot of people. No one wanted to be left out of the school's events and everyone hoped to win a prize. I felt dizzier as time passed and couldn't find any corner to hide into. I wasn't going to kill anyone. I was going to hide in the woods and come out empty handed a few hours later. This should be okay right? Everything would be fine. I wouldn't meet anyone.

Gilbert had to participate too because of the school's laws and Andrew was here as well. Gilbert really didn't care about the competition or anything, still really exhausted and planned to take a nap under a tree. Andrew on the other hand seemed really excited and promised Gilbert that he would win him the flower crown. Gilbert really didn't care and ignored Andrew completely.

Diana signed up as well this year which took me by surprise.

"You seemed anxious so I thought I would come with you."

This really warmed my heart but on the other hand I was shocked by the turn of events. Diana wasn't supposed to take part in this competition. She was supposed to be at the tea party where she would talk with jealous young women who were all in love with Cadmael. What was going on?

I was way too dizzy to worry about this now and let Diana do whatever she wanted before disappearing. Alphonse was somewhere with Cadmael and I only saw them from afar. The competition soon started and everyone jumped on their horses before heading into the forest. I quickly turned in another direction than the others and slowled my horse down. I started to relax now that I was alone with the sounds of the forest and even managed to forget that some of them were dying at the moment.

Maybe Gilbert's idea wasn't that bad and I started looking for a tree as well. I found one that seemed quite comfortable and sat down underneath it. My horse started eating some grass and I stayed put. I wasn't going to win this competition. Eschyle wasn't supposed to win anyway. Would my father be disappointed? I didn't know but I couldn't do anything about it.

Suddenly I heard footsteps and froze. Three young men walked past my tree and when they saw me they lowered their pistols. I didn't know them well but their faces seemed familiar. Weren't they some of Cadmael's bullies?

"Young master? Are you okay? Did you maybe fall?

-No, I'm fine, thank you. My horse just needed to eat a bit.

-Then do you maybe want to come with us?

-No thank you. I'll wait here.

-Then good luck."

They were about to leave when they heard something and immediately turned quiet. When they were sure it was an animal they slowly approached and I couldn't take my eyes off them. The way they were smiling in excitement made my stomach churn. I really didn't want to hear it. I wanted to run away but my legs couldn't move.

They disappeared from my line of sight which helped me relax but a few seconds later I heard a gunshot followed by celebrations. My heart ached and my breathing hastened. I tried my best to calm down when I heard them come back. No! Don't come here! Please!

"Young master! Look what we just found."

It was in their hands. The still warm body of a dead fox. Its eyes were still open and they looked deep in mine. My body felt horribly cold and my ears started ringing. My vision became blurry and yet I couldn't move a muscle. I felt excruciating pain and wanted to throw up but nothing came.

"Young master?"

I couldn't feel my hands anymore and couldn't stop shaking. The fox was dead. It was dead. It was dead. It was dead.

"What's going on? Are you okay?

-Don't tell me he's scared of foxes.

-Don't say something so dumb. Why would he come to the woods if he was scared?

-Then is he scared of blood? Is it why he stayed hidden here?

-That's impossible. Have you ever heard of someone being scared of blood? That's pitiful.

-Acting all high and mighty when he is scared of blood.

-What kind of young master is this?"

They seemed very amused and came closer with the fox. I wanted to run. I wanted to move but nothing listened to me anymore. Tears started flowing and I heard laughter. The fox was thrown at my feet and even touched me. This woke my legs and I backed against the tree still shaking. I couldn't stop crying and no words could come out of my mouth.

The three men heard a sound in the woods and were forced to leave. However they still left behind the corpse of the little fox and I was left petrified. I cried again and again but no one came to help me. I needed help. Please, someone. Anyone.


As soon as I managed to say his name I heard other sounds approaching. I was really scared that it was the three men for a second and tried to flee but my legs couldn't hold me up and I collapsed again.


It was his voice. Warm and gentle as always. I looked up and cried even harder, lifting my arms to him. Cadmael immediately jumped off his horse and ran to take me in his arms. I clenched my fists in his shirt and screamed while crying. I was terrified and finally found a life buoy.

Eschyle soon fainted and Cadmael looked around them while still holding the young man in his arms. He wasn't the only one shaking. Cadmael was both terrified and angry. Eschyle couldn't have killed that fox. Someone should have done it and terrified the young man to this point. Cadmael didn't care about anything else. He wanted to find the culprit and twist their neck.

No, they needed to feel terrible pain. He wanted to tear out their nails one after the other and then move on to their eyes. He wanted to burn them and then pluck them out with a spoon before cutting their tongue. There was so much more he wanted to do and Cadmael kept on imagining it again and again. He couldn't leave Eschyle behind and he hugged the cold body even closer to him. A little more and Eschyle would suffocate.

He was so small in his arms that Cadmael suddenly panicked. He was so small that it felt like he would slip away any second. He didn't want to lose him. Never. He should have stayed by his side. This was all his fault. He really was hurt that Eschyle didn't confide in him and he wanted to win the flower crown to give it to Eschyle and tell him about his feelings but this selfishness led to this disaster. He hated himself and promised never to leave again. He was going to protect him from everyone and the ones who tried to hurt him were going to die.

[BL] I shouldn't have married the crown princeWhere stories live. Discover now