Chapter 76

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I left the room while Cadmael was getting ready because he said he wanted to surprise me with his look. I felt a bit betrayed considering that he could dress me up but I couldn't but I decided not to say anything. This was his day and his coronation. I could give him today to do whatever he wanted.

"Eschyle? Are you ready to fall in love with me all over again?"

His cokyness made me laugh but when I turned around I felt my throat close up.

"So? What do you think?"

What did I think? I had never seen him so grand before. His whole body was glowing of nobility and he looked exactly like an Emperor should: imposing and fearsome. He didn't need a crown and was already bathed in gold. Was he the same Cadmael I had known? Was he the man who had kissed me just minutes before? He looked way too important for me to even talk to him. How could I dare touch him? He looked so... Divine. More like an apparition than a real human.

"You look... Radiant."

Hearing me made Cadmael laugh and I started stammering:

"I-I m-mean! Y-you look amazing! Y-you look like a r-real Emperor."

Cadmael walked up to me and bent towards my face with a smirk:

"Do you like what you see?

-Y-yes. A lot.

-All of this is yours."

He grabbed my hand and put it on his torso:

"You can touch all you want."

My cheeks were getting hotter and hotter and my head started spinning. Cadmael wasn't helping because he then surrounded my waist of his arm and pulled me closer to him:

"Should we skip the ceremony?"

I was so flustered that I started looking everywhere but at Cadmael and I suddenly spotted the maids. They had been staring at us between their fingers and were whispering or giggling with flushed cheeks. Having realized that we weren't alone, I quickly pushed Cadmael away and said:

"W-we have t-to go."

Cadmael pulled me back towards him with a laugh:

"Why the rush? You were telling me just how much you wanted me.


-What? Did you become shy after undressing me with your eyes?

-I didn't!

-Oh really? Then do you want to do it for real?"

I was so flustered that I thought I would cry. I pleaded with Cadmael one last time and the latter laughed before rubbing my hair:

"I get it. We will continue once we are alone."

This promise wasn't calming me down but I was just glad that I could escape. I followed Cadmael to the Temple and the next few hours rushed by in a second. Cadmael insisted that I stay by his side for the whole ceremony which wasn't common and made me very shy at first. But as I looked at Cadmael with the crown on his head, pride took it over. I was the only one standing next to the Emperor. Not anyone else but me. This feeling was so nice that I completely forgot about the stares. Quite the opposite even. I started liking all the attention we got and I couldn't help looking at the crowd while clinging to Cadmael's arm.

The latter seemed to like this situation a lot because feeling me all clingy made him lift me up in front of everyone and carry my bridal style. I let out a surprised cry when he lifted me but I immediately surrounded his neck of my arms, used to his proximity at this point.

This was the position I had to stay in while all the nobles came to Cadmael to congratulate him for his coronation. I thought I would feel more like a necklace than a person but Cadmael didn't listen to the congratulations at all and continued staring at me the whole time. It was starting to get awkward but I couldn't force him to focus for a second. Therefore sometimes it was me who thanked the nobles for coming instead of the Emperor himself.

After five men, the next person who came up to us was none other than Diana. I got very surprised seeing her but was very happy to see my friend:


Seeing me so happy made Cadmael frown and he finally looked away.

"I greet his Majesty the Sun of the Empire and of course the Empress, Moon of the Empire."

Diana smirked when she saw me blush. I really liked being called that. But I would never have admitted it to Cadmael.

"I congratulate you for your coronation as the new Marquis of Depraysie."

I frowned. When did Diana become Marquis? What about her father? When did this happen? I didn't remember this from the novel but so many things changed at this point that it wasn't surprising.


Diana smiled but there was something weird about her. She seemed... Different. Older somehow. Was this the weight of her new responsibilities?

"Yes. Unfortunately my father is no longer capable of fulfilling this role. He died yesterday.

-I am so sorry to hear this!"

I climbed out of Cadmael's arms which didn't seem to please him but I had to be there for my friend:

"Are you okay? If there is anything I can do, please don't refrain from asking."

Diana grabbed my hand with a polite smile:

"Thank you so much, Eschyle. But I am fine.


-I have to go. My mother isn't well and I should be by her side. I just wanted to congratulate you on your wedding.

-Of course, you should be with her. If you need a doctor, or medicine please just let us know.

-Thank you so much. I will tell her about your kindness once she wakes up. Congratulations once again.

-Thank you. It means a lot that you came.

-I would always be there for those I care about."

Diana bowed one last time:

"I wish you two all the happiness in the world."

And just as she came, she was gone. This interaction seemed so weird that I couldn't forget it. Should I have run after her? Her father just died, her mother was sick and she was forcing herself to smile. She wasn't fine. But what could I do? I turned to Cadmael, lost:

"We should send her the best doctor in the country."

Cadmael just nodded before lifting me back on his knees. Once I was sitting on his lap, he seemed to relax and put his chin on my shoulder:


I rubbed his hair absentmindedly:

"Should I have stayed with her? Or should I give her some space? I don't know what to do when people are sad..."

Cadmael shook his head:

"You did well. If she needs help she will ask.

-But sometimes it's hard to ask for help."

Cadmael could feel that I was thinking about something painful and he immediately rubbed his nose against my neck:

"Don't worry about Diana's father. He wasn't a good person."

This made me frown even more:

"What do you know?"

Cadmael shrugged:

"Not much. But I am sure that she is relieved he died."

I wanted to ask something but this reminded me too much of Eschyle's father and I couldn't say anymore. Just as I was thinking about my second family, a familiar face walked up to us. It was none other than my brother, the new Duke.

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