Chapter 79

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By the time the ceremony was over, it was already 4 in the morning. Normally after the ceremony people would immediately go to the party but it was so late that we talked about starting the party the next morning. Cadmael didn't like the idea. He really wanted the festivities to go on for 5 days without stopping therefore we opened rooms in the Palace for the guests and we went back to the Castle.

Musicians would play non stop for 5 days, the buffet would never get empty and shows would be held the whole time. People would go to dance and eat whenever they wanted and they could retire to their rooms to sleep once they got tired.

Normally the married couple should have been present to open the festivities but with all the stress that suddenly dissipated, I couldn't stay awake much longer and Cadmael immediately noticed. He lifted me in his arms and instead of bringing me to the ballroom, he started walking towards our room.

"What are you doing? We should thank people for coming.

-Alphonse will do it.


-You can't even keep your eyes open anymore."

He carried me straight to bed and laid me down on it before straightening up. I thought he would say something but he just stared at me for what felt like hours.


The latter finally woke up and cupped my face in his palms:

"How can you be so gorgeous?"

He then bent down towards me and kissed me with utter tenderness. His kisses were light as a feather and I could feel them all over my face:

"I love you."

He kissed my eyes one after the other before moving on to my nose:

"My pretty wife."

He kissed my cheeks and I could hear him sight against my ear before kissing it too:

"My perfect little wife."

He sounded so happy that I felt my intestines churn and I started wobbling on the bed.

"How can I have such a pretty wife?"

He continued kissing my chin and slowly moved down to my neck. I felt my whole body tense up and thought it would be now. This was different than usual. He was kissing me somewhere else than my face. It felt new and thrilling and I grabbed his hair to pull him even closer to me.

It was now. We were finally married and we were alone in our room. I knew what happened in those moments and I couldn't wait. I thought Cadmael would continue kissing me lower and lower and I started shaking every time he grazed my skin. The stress quickly turned into desire and I didn't even hold back my voice despite my shyness.

Hearing me whine made Cadmael freeze and I felt his hands shaking on my back. I thought this was a clear sign that I wanted more and I thought that Cadmael would continue sucking on my skin but the next second he pulled away and asked:

"May I help you get ready for bed?"

I frowned. Why was he asking this suddenly? Was it possible that he didn't understand? Or did he mean that he wanted to wash me before we did anything else? Cadmael had wanted to do more for a long time so I thought it was the second option and nodded. Cadmael smiled and went to get a wet towel before helping me undress. I looked away, feeling my cheeks grow red but I didn't tell him to stop. I was right. It was now. I had no idea what to do but thought that I would just trust Cadmael on this and do whatever he said. I was starting to get stressed again but really wanted it to happen so I forced myself to calm down. It wouldn't be that good if I was too stressed. I needed to relax and enjoy the moment.

Cadmael started washing my whole body with a towel plunged in warm water. He was doing it very slowly and very diligently. He didn't miss a single spot and washed me with a focused expression. It was very pleasant to finally get clean after hours of standing and sweating but I couldn't focus on that feeling because Cadmael's hands were touching me all over. Now that Cadmael was staring at me like this I wasn't that confident anymore and I pinched my lips to force my breathing to calm down. My heart was beating way too fast and I was scared Cadmael would hear it but he didn't look like he did. Or he was very good at hiding it.

After long minutes of torture, there was only the area under my underwear left to clean. Cadmael stared at the fabric for a few seconds and I turned my head away, trying to hide from him as much as I could. But just when I thought that Cadmael would take my underwear off, he got up and went to the bathroom. When he came back he had my pajamas and a dry towel in his hands which made me frown. Wasn't he going to wash me more? Maybe he wanted to dress me so he could undress me again.

Once in my pajamas, Cadmael kissed me lightly on the lips. His kiss started off as gentle but it became more and more pressed as seconds went by. My heart started beating in my throat as I felt the anticipation build up more and more.

"Eschyle Carnvil. You are my wife now."

Cadmael pulled away to look at my face:

"My wife is so pretty."

He went back to kissing me but he wouldn't stop calling me wife every five seconds. I really liked the sound of it and even said:

"You are my wife. Wife.

-Yes, husband?"

Cadmael froze and looked up at me with dark eyes:

"Say it again.


The next second Cadmael grabbed my chin and pressed down on my body with all his weight. He wasn't kissing me at this point but was eating me and I had a hard time keeping up. But just when I thought that it would finally happen, Cadmael got up again and went to the bathroom. When he came back he covered me before laying down next to me and wishing me a good night.

He closed his eyes and fell asleep in three seconds. He must have been very tired but what about me? Didn't he want to do it? How could he fall asleep so easily when I was next to him? I felt kind of hurt and started pouting in the dark. But soon everything that happened that day got the best of me and I fell asleep in turn, exhausted.

The next morning Cadmael woke me up with kisses too. Feeling him close made me smile and I started rubbing my face against his chest.

"Good morning, wife."

I really liked hearing this and felt my heart skip a beat.

"Good morning, husband."

Cadmael grunted and grabbed my chin to kiss me but I quickly turned away:

"No, I have morning breath.

-I don't care."

He tried again but I blocked his lips:

"I do."

Cadmael sighed but he didn't insist anymore and kissed my face before hugging me close.

"I want to wake up like this every day of my life.

-Me too."

We stayed so long in each other's arms that I thought we would fall back asleep. I started feeling myself slip away but woke up at the last second and got up to get ready. Cadmael obviously helped me get dressed and our outfits were purple this time. Once ready we headed directly to the ballroom and got welcomed by a warm atmosphere. Music was playing, people were dancing... It looked like everything was going well. However as soon as we got announced the music stopped and everyone turned to us to bow. The music didn't take up again until we walked to our thrones on the other side of the room. It was the same two identical thrones as during the last ball but this time I had no reason not to sit down on it. Cadmael took my hand and we turned to the crowd before sitting down at the same time.

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