Chapter 86- Gilbert's POV

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Now that Gilbert had screamed his lungs out to Andrew, he felt way lighter. But thinking back to the way he cried was making him cringe horribly. Why did he have to go and break down in front of Andrew? It was so embarrassing!

His neighbor's did notice the tears on Gilbert's face. They didn't dare ask him questions but they did come to his house multiple times a day to bring him food or anything else that could make him happy. Gilbert was very touched by the thought but all those kind gestures reminded him of what happened and he really wanted to disappear.

Fortunately there was so much work that Gilbert soon drowned in it and he could forget about everything. The fact that Andrew left the village was helping and Gilbert was happy thinking that he had finally gotten rid of him. Now he had gotten closure and he could move on. Soon Andrew would be a distant memory. A very bad distant memory. They did have good times but Gilbert wanted to forget them all together.

But only a week later, Andrew was back in the village. Gilbert had been working on the garden and when he looked up he immediately froze:

"What the hell are you doing here?"

He grabbed his shovel and ran towards Andrew:

"I told you to never come back! What the hell didn't you understand?"

Andrew looked down at the state the garden was in:

"I brought some zucchini seeds and a trellis. I read that they need full sun for 6 to 8 hours at least. Is the soil moist enough?"

Gilbert blinked a few times:

"Why the hell would you ask me about the soil?

-Zucchini needs consistently moist soil.

-That's not why I was asking! Why would you suddenly show up after everything and act like a gardener? Have you forgotten our conversation?"

Andrew shook his head:

"I haven't. I know that this house is your dream. I would like to help as much as I can.

-I don't want your help, leave.

-I remember."

Gilbert froze.


-I never forgot. I just didn't recognize you.

-I don't care, Andrew.

-You changed so much. I am so sorry I should have known.

-As if you could have remembered.

-I do. You asked me out and I made fun of you with my friends saying that it was disgusting. I was the disgusting one. You don't know how ashamed I am. I want to make it up to you. Please let me help out here.

-Nope. Bye!

-I know that I am greedy and maybe I should have never come back here but I don't think that's what you want."

Gilbert really wanted to hit that guy with his shovel:

"How would you know what I want?

-You only get mad when you care, Gilbert."

The latter did his best to pretend that Andrew's words didn't touch him.

"What the hell are you talking about?

-When you didn't care about me, you never got mad. You would only laugh and make fun of me or even forget that I was there. But I never saw you that mad before.

-What do you want? Applauze?

-I am sorry that I left. I needed time to get the zucchini seeds. I meant it when I said that I would never abandon you. I will help you make your dream come true.

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