Chapter 67- Cadmael's POV

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Eschyle's breathing slowed down before his stomach startes elevating at a continuous pace. Seeing Eschyle's mouth slightly open, Cadmael immediately glared at the ministers and they all left as quietly as possible. Every time the wooden floor cracked, the minister's blood would freeze and they turned to Eschyle praying that he didn't wake up. Fortunately Eschyle was already deeply asleep and even if he wasn't he couldn't hear anything because of Cadmael covering his ear with his hand. Despite being asleep, every time Eschyle moved or grunted, everyone would panic. They knew that the person who would wake Eschyle up would be living the last seconds of their lives.

Everyone made it out alive and as soon as the door closed, the minister's legs gave out. On the other side, Eschyle was sleeping peacefully and Cadmael couldn't stop staring at his face. They had gone a long way but Eschyle was completely unguarded around him now. He was in his arms. Cadmael could finally touch him as he wanted and he thought he would go crazy. He had spent years trying to get closer to Eschyle and deep down he thought that it would never happen. Eschyle had been so scared of him at the beginning and so oblivious to his love later on that he was prepared to wait ten more years for him to return his feelings.

Cadmael could wait as long as needed. He thought that once he finally had him in his arms, he would have everything he ever wanted and would finally be reassured. He thought that with Eschyle liking him, he wouldn't have to be terrified of him leaving every second. But nothing was enough. Eschyle liked him but he needed him to love him with all his heart. He had Eschyle in his arms but he wanted to get even closer to him. Even Cadmael was surprised by how deep his obsession ran. Now that he had tasted happiness, Cadmael couldn't imagine his life without him.

Cadmael's hands were shaking as he surrounded Eschyle's body. He didn't want to wake him up but he wanted to feel his warmth. He moved the slower possible as if Eschyle could break any second and gently pulled him towards his chest. Cadmael's heart only calmed down when he felt Eschyle's warmth and feeling the young man's heart beat against his body made him feel at ease.

Eschyle looked so peaceful right now and these last few days Cadmael felt on cloud nine but he didn't forget about Eschyle's tears. He had already guessed about Eschyle's transmigration and now he had proof about it. As Eschyle said, he had already been killed once. That would explain why he had been so scared of Cadmael in the beginning. Was this also the reason why he was terrified of blood? Cadmael knew that something must have happened to make Eschyle this scared of living but he didn't expect it to be like this. What did he mean that he had been killed once? Did someone kill him? Cadmael couldn't sleep at night because of all the anger and anxiety that he felt after hearing that sentence.

He would spend hours staring at Eschyle's face, making sure that he was breathing, making sure that he was warm, that he was still there. Cadmael couldn't stop thinking about those words. He had to do something. Be it in this world or another, he couldn't let anyone hurt Eschyle. Cadmael had to do something but he couldn't leave Eschyle alone. He just couldn't bear being apart from him. He thought that he was dependent on Eschyle but it was nothing compared to now.

While Eschyle was sleeping in his arms, Cadmael was finally able to think. He didn't dare move an inch not to wake his lover and he planned everything in his head. He remembered all the books he read in the past about transmigration and he knew what he had to do.

Eschyle started slowly waking up an hour later. Cadmael felt him move and immediately woke up from his thoughts. He didn't let go of the young man and tried putting him back to sleep:

"You should sleep some more."

But unfortunately, Eschyle straightened up when he noticed that the ministers were gone:

"How long have I been asleep?"

Cadmael felt cold where Eschyle had been laying.

"An hour."

Eschyle's head immediately jerked up and seeing his sleepy eyes, Cadmael couldn't help but kiss him. Eschyle however pushed him back, already out of breath:

"I just woke up.

-I don't mind."

Cadmael bent down again but what he felt against his lips next were Eschyle's hands. This made him frown. He couldn't force Eschyle to do anything he didn't want to but he couldn't help feeling disappointed. He really wanted to kiss him. He wanted way more in fact but Eschyle wasn't ready. He wanted to kiss him everywhere and taste his skin. He already knew how soft it was and wondered what it would taste like. He wanted to lick it, bite it, nibble it. He wanted that clear white skin to turn completely red because of him and he wanted to see the mark of his teeth there. He needed to leave his mark all over Eschyle's body and show everyone that Eschyle was his. He wanted to leave his mark as deep as possible... He wondered what Eschyle would look like while doing it. He would look irresistible with his eyes teary and his cheeks flushed. He really wanted to hear his voice go all shaky because of the stimuli. He would say something like:

"C-Cadmael. I-I like it so much."

Cadmael forced himself to wake up and felt that he needed to calm down. Fortunately Eschyle suddenly stood up and Cadmael could cross his legs. He didn't let him go without a frown however. Couldn't he stay in his arms longer? Why was he always trying to run away? Was it that bad in Cadmael's arms?

"Why didn't you wake me up? I will miss class again."

Cadmael loved the idea but he knew that if he said the truth, Eschyle would get mad. He couldn't make him mad.

"You were sleeping so soundly. I didn't want to wake you up."

But Eschyle just frowned:

"You just didn't want me to leave."

Eschyle was becoming more and more observant and Cadmael couldn't help but smirk:

"You are so sexy."

Eschyle immediately blushed from head to toe and ran to grab his bag.

"I have to go. See you later!"

Cadmael sighed as soon as the door closed and he looked down before biting his lips.

"I have to calm down."

He could wait. He had already waited for a long time so a few more days or months were nothing. But it didn't mean that it was easy.

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