Chapter 14

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Cadmael won the laurel wreath but didn't put it on his head. He took it and threw it away immediately which surprised everyone. Seeing this cold attitude visibly pleased multiple people and everyone was talking about Cadmael for the whole day. He immediately came to me and asked about my hand. I smiled:

"Congratulations. You really did progress a lot.

-How is your hand?"

Cadmael saw that I wanted to change the subject but he was just like a little child. He clung to it and didn't let go. He extended his arm wanting to check but without wanting to I suddenly flinched. I was myself shocked and felt horrible. Why did I flinch? Was I this scared seeing Cadmael spare? Cadmael didn't cry which surprised me and asked again if I was okay:

"I'm fine, thank you.

-Will you be able to ride?

-Of course."

He nodded. I already thought about a good substitute for the laurel wreath for the romantic scene with Diana and went to buy a gorgeous bouquet of roses beforehand. I handed it to Cadmael, still smiling. Cadmael didn't take the bouquet and just looked at it bewildered. I wasn't sure that he was still here mentally so I called his name. Cadmael jumped and looked at me completely lost. He was so puzzled that he started stuttering:

"Is this for me?

-Of course. I thought that you might need it."

He suddenly frowned. Did I say something bad? I knew that he wanted to give the laurel wreath to Diana but he couldn't because of the story that I told him. This bouquet was the perfect substitute.

"People usually give bouquets to the one they like. I thought that you wouldn't have the time to buy one with all your training."

I was really proud of my idea but Cadmael's eyes grew gloomier every second.

"You want me to give this bouquet to someone else?"

I nodded excited:

"Yes. To the girl you like."

Cadmael seemed so hurt that I got lost. Was it a secret that he liked Diana? Wasn't I supposed to know? Maybe he felt embarrassed and didn't want to talk about it with me. Did I make a big mistake? But according to the book, this was their first romantic moment. Diana would cherish her laurel wreath for years telling about this memory to her friends with keen eyes. Weren't roses good too?

"I won't give flowers to someone else.


-I don't like her."

Cadmael didn't say more and left, leaving me alone. I watched his back still bewildered. What did I say wrong? Did I somehow offend him? I sat down and thought about it for a bit. Did he get offended because he didn't think about it by himself or did he feel offended because he thought I was making fun of him? He didn't have the money to buy such a nice bouquet. Maybe he thought that I implied him having less money than me. I felt horrible and wanted to apologize but didn't have the time before the next event.

The horseback riding event arrived and I went to the stables. Being in this situation threw me back to my past life. I remembered all the times I was stressed before a competition. I always had candy on me and would munch on them in a corner way too scared to even move. But once I was on the horse nothing else mattered. I felt free and gave it my all.

Feeling all this again felt really reassuring and the same feeling of freedom soon appeared. Diana told me that she really liked animals and that she was going to be watching the horse riding competition. I immediately spotted her in the crowd, this was the female lead's power. She waved at me and smiled. I returned her wave and gave it my all.

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