Bonus 1- Drunk Cadmael

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What would happen if Cadmael got completely wasted?

Eschyle left for a second and when he came back he found Cadmael lying on the table, his head surrounded by empty glasses. The person in front of him wasn't any better because they were lying in their own vomit in addition to the glasses.

I ignored that second person and walked up to Cadmael before gently shaking him:


The latter suddenly straightened up. I didn't know if he could see my face through his half closed eyes but it seemed he could because he immediately recognized me. Or maybe he only guessed by my voice:

"My wife! Everyone, my wife is here!"

The few people left at this hour were all rather drunk and they joined Cadmael in his excitement:

"Hi, wife!"

That didn't please Cadmael:

"Don't call him wife! He is my wife not yours! I am the lucky husband of this gorgeous man. I am his husband and no one else is his husband. I am the luckiest husband ever. I am so happy that he let me be his."

I could feel my cheek burning and I thought that it was time to go:

"Cadmael, we should get up now."

I grabbed him under the shoulders and tried pulling him up but Cadmael almost couldn't stand. I hugged him to stabilize him but Cadmael suddenly backed away, falling on the ground. When I tried to help him up he curled up on the ground:

"I am sorry! I shouldn't have hugged you!

-What are you talking about? I hugged you to help you stand.

-That doesn't excuse anything. You are drunk. You can't give me consent. I never should have touched you. I am so sorry. If you want me to die I will. You can kill me."

He suddenly pulled a dagger out of nowhere and put it in my hand:

"Take this. You should aim here.


-I'm sorry! I touched you again! I am a horrible person."

He started crying suddenly:

"Did I rape you? Are you hurt? Are you still drunk? Are you okay? Can you stand? What can I get you? Do you need to puke? I won't touch you I promise but let me get you a doctor. You can trust me I would never touch you and I will prove it."

He dangerously started pointing the dagger to his throat and I jumped to catch his hand:

"You didn't rape me!

-But I touched you when you are drunk...

-I am not drunk. You are the one who drank too much."

Cadmael blinked a few times as if trying to understand what was being said:

"You're not drunk?

-I am not.

-Are you sure?

-Yes. I didn't drink anything tonight.



-So I didn't rape you?

-You didn't."

Cadmael cried even harder:

"I am so happy that you are fine! I would never rape you I promise.

-I know, I know. Now should we get up?"

I extended my hand towards Cadmael but the latter stared at my hand before asking:

"Do you give me permission to touch you?


-Are you sure? You don't have to say yes. I hope that you don't feel forced to agree. I would never force you.

-You are not forcing me. Take my hand I will help you get up."

Cadmael finally accepted my help but he was way bigger than me and I had a hard time getting him back on his feet. How the hell was I going to get him home?

"Love of my life...


-You are the love of my life.

-You are too.


Cadmael's eyes started shining and I was surprised that he was so surprised:

"Of course.

-Then let's get married."

Cadmael started getting down on his knees and I couldn't keep him up:

"I can't live another day of my life without you, Love. Please marry me. I will die if you don't.

-But we are already married, Cadmael."

He froze again:



-You accepted to marry me?

-Of course. And it was the best decision of my whole life. Look, we are even wearing matching rings."

Cadmael stared at the ring so hard that I thought he would absorb it:

"Your finger looks amazing like this."

Cadmael suddenly jumped up and I thought he would immediately fall back but he did good:

"Look at this gorgeous human's finger! He is wearing the same ring as me! We are married! I can't believe that we are married!"

A passerby smiled:

"It's really pretty."

Cadmael thought that the stranger was talking about me and he didn't like it:

"He's not an object! Don't talk about him as if he was!"

I could feel murderous aura emanating from Cadmael and if I wasn't sure before, he added:

"I am going to cut your vocal cords out."

And he seemed very serious judging by how he tried to attack the stranger. Fortunately he wasn't very balanced and the guy could avoid his first attack. But knowing how strong Cadmael was, I didn't know if the stranger would continue being lucky for long. I quickly surrounded Cadmael of my arms and screamed:

"Stop! You can't kill him."

Cadmael immediately turned around, his face now worried:

"Did something happen? Are you scared?"

I frowned. Wasn't he the reason I was like this?

"Who scared you? I am going to kill them! Or is it me? Did I do something wrong? I am so sorry, I would never hurt you, Eschyle. I swear. You mean the world to me.

-I know, I know."

Cadmael wasn't listening and he got down on his knees, crying:

"I love you, Eschyle. I will make you happy and I will never make you cry."

I cupped his face to force him to look at me:

"Cadmael! I know, I trust you. You didn't scare me and you didn't hurt me. Now let's go home."

Cadmael would get down on his knees five more times before they would reach their room. By that time Eschyle was exhausted. Cadmael hadn't let anyone else help him and Eschyle couldn't feel his arms anymore. He had to stop Cadmael from falling and from buying every fountain he saw for Eschyle on the way. He was so tired that he just wanted to sleep but before he needed to wash Cadmael.

When the latter woke up the next day he didn't remember anything that had happened but a few images came back seeing ten rings on Eschyle's fingers.

"Did I give you those?"

Eschyle nodded painfully:

"You asked me to marry you nine times and insisted on getting me a ring. You can be so stubborn sometimes..."

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