Chapter 85

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It was rather dark in the cave and I really hoped that I hadn't seen it right. It couldn't be. What would she be doing here?


No. Not this name. Not this voice. No. No. No. No!


Don't call me that. Don't say that name. I am not him anymore. I don't want to be him ever again. He is dead. Isaac is dead. But I couldn't stop hearing it again and again, resonating in my head. It couldn't be. It shouldn't be. I had to run away. How did she get here? I was in danger. I was in danger. I was going to die. I couldn't breathe. It hurts. Help me. Help. Please help.

"Isaac, it really is you! What are you doing here? Is this your doing?"

The second voice reached me in my panic and I could hear it in my bones. It was the same deep voice than the one I would hear during every session. They were both here. How did they get here? Did they come to finish the job? I finally started being happy. I never should have been happy. I don't deserve happiness. I will never do it again. Please don't hurt me. Please.

I started shaking my head, my hands on my ears:

"I am sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. Don't hurt me."

I couldn't close my eyes. Why couldn't I close my eyes? I didn't want to see them. I thought I had finally forgotten about their faces but they were sitting in front of me. I had to run. Why couldn't I run? My feet were frozen. Please move. Please.


The next thing I saw was Cadmael staring at me with worried eyes. I couldn't hold my body anymore and my legs were shaking so much that I crumbled in his arms. Cadmael was here. I was okay. I wouldn't die. He would never let me die. I started clinging to him more and more, digging my nails into his arms. I opened my mouth trying to say his name but I couldn't say a single word. All I could do was plead him with my eyes.

Please save me. Please don't leave me here. Please take me away. Please don't let them hurt me. Please.


I really didn't want to look there but it was stronger than me. My eyes got sucked towards the voice and now that I was seeing them again, I noticed the blood. There was blood everywhere and that made me shake even more. I could hear a buzzing sound in my ears and my vision started getting darker. I thought I would faint any second but fortunately Cadmael saved me as always.

He immediately understood my condition and he covered my eyes before whispering in my ears:

"I won't let anyone hurt you. You are fine. I am here. You are fine. No one will hurt you. I am here."

He kissed me on the forehead while still whispering soothing words:

"Breathe slowly. It's okay. It will all be okay. You are safe. I am here."

I didn't think that I would ever calm down but a few minutes later my heart finally slowed down. I still couldn't stand however and Cadmael lifted me in his arms before taking me far away from the cave. I didn't realize that I fell asleep but it seemed I had drained my energy. The next time I opened my eyes I was laying in my bed, Cadmael hugging me very close.

Remembering what had happened, I pulled him closer to me:


The latter immediately strengthened his hold around my body:

"I am here. I will always be here.


-Yes, I am here."

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