Chapter 37

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Cadmael was nowhere in the dukedome to be found. It seemed that the rumors were in fact true. For some reason Cadmael took the throne a few years before in the original book and the Duke was forced to leave to pledge his allegiance to the new emperor. The whole country was in turmoil and everyone was preparing for the coronation. I didn't see Cadmael for a few more days. He must have been really busy with the coronation and his new status.

The day after the putsch, the Duke announced the end of my engagement. I wasn't surprised. Cadmael was emperor and he could have Diana now. With all of this happening people forgot about my fear and I could finally leave the house without fear of getting stared at. I went to have some tea with the others and the conversation didn't fail to land on Cadmael.

"He was the hidden child of the emperor? Did you guys know?"

Everyone looked at me. I was the closest to Cadmael and I forced myself to lie. I shouldn't have known.

"Wow... I had no idea."

Gilbert shrugged.

"That's why he acted all high. Everything makes sense now.

-Are you not surprised at all?

-I don't care. But I guess it will change a few things for Eschyle."

I frowned:


-Your best friend is the emperor. I hope you won't forget about me. Remember all the times I helped you."

I laughed.

"I don't think we will stay best friends."

They were taken aback for some reason.

"Are you mad that he lied to you?

-No. I simply don't think he will have time anymore."

Gilbert laughed:

"Oh, trust me, he will. But when did he plan this rebellion? I didn't suspect anything.

-As if you would have.

-Don't trample on my self esteem. I like to think that I would have.

-It seemed to me that he was in a hurry. He stopped coming to school suddenly and even Alphonse disappeared soon after. I heard that he was named secretary."

Diana turned to me:

"Speaking of which, have you seen them recently? Alphonse or Cadmael.

-No, I haven't."

I felt like Diana didn't tell me something.

"What about your father?

-The Duke?


-He didn't come home recently. He must be really busy at the castle.

-Did Cadmael force him to end our engagement?

-I don't know. But everything is for the better."

Diana seemed taken aback.

"Now you are finally free. You can marry whoever you want.

-Yes... Indeed."

She drank the last of her tea and got up.

"I'm sorry I forgot I had something to do. I am very happy to see that you are better, Eschyle. I'm sorry I couldn't visit you but Cadmael let no one approach you."

She took her leave and left me with Gilbert.

"How are you doing these days? Asked Gilbert.

-I'm fine. Truly.

-What a relief. I was really worried about you, you know. Don't ever frighten me like that again. Do you know how many fights I got into?

-Wasn't Andrew the one doing the punching?

-Hey! It's not my fault that he didn't let me fight. I didn't ask him to help me.

-He seems really attentive towards you.

-I don't know about that.

-He takes you home, brings you to school, brings you your meals, buys you flowers, protects you... He seems really attentive to me.

-I thought you didn't like him.

-Well... Guess I started to.

-You can have him then. I really have no need for a nanny. But he does pay me a lot. On second thought I'm keeping him. You don't need money anyway. Especially not now.

-Didn't you start liking him too?

-No way. He feels more like a servant than anything. And I don't really like him following me around every day. I started to understand why he hated me so much back then.

-He doesn't anymore?

-Of course not. That dumb guy loves me."

I almost dropped my cup.


-Did I forget to tell you? Sorry, my bad. Do you remember the rumors? It was me.

-But that was months ago! How couldn't you tell me?

-I'm sorry. I completely forgot. It wasn't important.

-It is!

-Why would it be? I am not the one in love. I don't even have time to talk about my life then why would I talk about his?

-Is that why he is so nice to you lately?

-I guess.

-And how are you feeling about this?"

Gilbert shrugged.

"I told you, it's not my life. As long as he pays me I don't mind. He did sometimes get overboard but I calmed him down.

-Are you okay with this?

-Of course. Why wouldn't I be.

-Then okay.

-What about you?


-Do you have anyone in mind?"

It was the first time I got asked this and I didn't know how to react. I never thought about it and even forgot I could have someone. Seeing my expression made Gilbert laugh:

"Relax. You don't have to choose now. I was just asking. I'm glad to see that I deblocked something at least."

The coronation day arrived and the day before a package got sent to my house with my name on it. When I opened it, it contained a gorgeous red dress. I was puzzled by the reason why I would receive such a gift and was even more lost when I heard who it was from.

"His majesty?

-Yes. He told me to give it to you personally."

Did Cadmael want me to attend the coronation in this? I didn't even think about attending. I thought Cadmael would be too busy to notice I wasn't there. He should be and I was sure he didn't have the time to choose this dress and asked someone else to do it for him. I really wanted to be there for his big day but I knew it wasn't right.

Cadmael took the throne way before the original one. This showed that he was mature enough to be emperor. Visibly I did a good job and could finally relax. Cadmael was surrounded by friends and didn't need me anymore. Moreover, the Duke never asked me to come. He already had two other sons to represent the dukedome and no one would miss me. Cadmael wasn't my friend anymore. He was the emperor of this country and it was time to let him go. I was a little sad that I didn't get to say goodbye but this was for the best. On that note, I put the dress away and went to sleep.

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