Chapter 90 🔞

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Cadmael bent down before licking my stomach:

"Wait! Don't lick it! It's dirty!"

Cadmael shook his head:

"Not dirty.


Cadmael continued licking me until I was completely clean. Once satisfied, he straightened up and looked at his work. But he suddenly frowned and the next second he took my penis in his mouth. I got so surprise that I felt my whole body be covered in goosebumps:


The latter looked up at me, my lower part still in his mouth. He tried asking what it was but couldn't articulate. Feeling him talk while I was in his mouth felt so good that I almost came. I closed my eyes and focused to hold it in. Cadmael didn't like that and he tried talking again:

"Don hol i i."

I grabbed his hair but didn't pull him away, feeling too good:

"Stop talking.



He stopped but the next second he started sucking on it very hard and a few seconds later I came again. I felt really ashamed to have come so quickly but I didn't have time to feel bad because I realized that he had swallowed all of it:

"Don't swallow it!


-It doesn't taste good.

-It's sweeter than I thought."

I had no idea what to do with this information. I wasn't even sure that I wanted to know actually.


I didn't have time to say anything more that Cadmael took it back in his mouth:


I didn't know how many times he sucked me off but in the end I couldn't lift my arms anymore. After maybe five times, Cadmael finally straightened up and I felt something touch a weird spot:


Cadmael looked up at me with dark eyes:

"Tell me if you want me to stop.

-No, but... I'm a bit scared.

-Don't worry. I won't put it in today.

-Then what...

-I am going to make you feel good today. You will feel so good that you will beg me to have sex again."

I felt a finger penetrate me and the feeling was way weirder than his tongue around my penis.

"How does it feel?

-I-I don't know... It f-feels weird.

-Weird good or weird bad?


I didn't have time to answer because I suddenly felt him touch somewhere weirder. The stimuli made me arch my back suddenly and the next second I came. I got so surprised that I started crying:


Seeing me like this made Cadmael smile:

"Found it."

He continued teasing the same spot again and again and even slowly put in more fingers. I had no idea what was going on at this point and completely gave up my body to Cadmael. I didn't even feel the next climax coming and I was coming again and again without control. I felt my head getting fuzzy and I thought I would faint any second but continued feeling good again and again.

At some point Cadmael pulled his fingers out and bent towards the hole before I felt something wet and warm licking me behind. Despite being seconds from falling asleep, I shuttered. This feeling was very different from his fingers and despite having experienced very new things in a matter of hours, I still got surprised by this feeling.

I wanted to tell him that it was dirty but I didn't have the strength anymore. All I could do now was moan and I suddenly felt something wet penetrate me. My whole body started shaking uncontrollably and I didn't know if there was anything for me to come for. I did reach climax one last time but it was a very long and dry one and the next second I was gone.

When I woke up the next day he had cleaned me. When I woke up I didn't remember when I fell asleep and only had vague memories of what had happened. All the climaxes just blurred into one and Cadmael's flushed cheeks were burned in my retina. Just thinking about it made me blush. I felt even worse knowing that Cadmael took time to wash me before dressing me up and putting me back to bed.

However it seemed he didn't think that I needed pants and only got me a shirt, leaving me naked on the lower half. This immediately made me blush and seeing the red marks everywhere on my body was making things even worse. When did he have time to make so many marks?

My skin was disappearing behind the bite marks and the hickeys and I couldn't move any muscle without groaning. Why did it hurt so bad? All I did was lay last night.

"Are you awake already?"

Hearing Cadmael made me jump and when I looked up I saw his smile from very close:

"Are you okay? Do you need water?"

I tried answering but my voice was very sore. This made Cadmael giggle and he grabbed the water glass next to the bed before helping me sit up and holding it for me. My lower half was very uncomfortable, especially around my private parts where Cadmael's mouth and especially teeth spent a lot of time. He seemed to guess my discomfort because he started rubbing his hair with a smirk:

"Sorry, I got a bit taken away."

I raised an eyebrow:

"A bit?"

His smile widened as he started rubbing my neck:

"But I do like seeing you in my marks. Next time you should make more on me so everyone knows that I am yours."

Just imagining Cadmael with hickeys made me blush. That would look very nice. I wanted to do it right away but we got interrupted by loud knocks on the door. Cadmael immediately yelled:

"I thought I had been pretty clear yesterday. Disturb me and you're dead.

-It was crystal clear! The guards forced us to write our testimonies before they let us through."

I jumped up:

"Gilbert? What are you doing here?"

I almost ran to the door but Cadmael grabbed me by the waist:

"Where are you going in such a state?"

I looked down and suddenly remembered that I was missing pants. My cheeks immediately turned red and I tried pulling on the shirt as much as possible:

"You can open that door Eschyle but I warn you, that will cost your dear friend his sight.

-I didn't mean to!"

We got interrupted by the knocks again:

"I am sorry to bother you but it's very important. Do you have the book?"

I frowned:

"What book?

-The book."

I looked at the book that Cadmael had thrown to the ground the day before. Did Gilbert mean that book? It couldn't be... Did he know about it?

"If you are keeping silent then I guess you do."

I looked at Cadmael with round eyes.

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