Chapter 48-Gilbert's POV

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Gilbert was speechless while Andrew was unstoppable. The words kept flowing from his mouth and he couldn't stop them even if he wanted to:

"I can't stand watching you get hurt. I can't stand the thought of someone raising their hand on you. Why can't you see that this is wrong? Why can't you treat yourself better than this? You are an amazing person and you deserve all the happiness in the world. You deserve your body to be worshiped and every inch should be treated with respect. You deserve to feel nothing but pleasure and happiness but when I hear you say that you are fine when you are hurt, my heart can't take it."

Tears started flowing together with words and Gilbert was even more at a loss:


-Stop saying that you are fine. You are saying it as if it was a mantra. You have the right to be sad. You have every right to complain. Why do you never complain? Did no one let you before? I'll let you do anything you want. I'll treat you right. I'll worship every step you take and destroy all mountains on your path.

-Hey calm down.

-I'll cook you delicious food and if you don't like it I'll learn to be better. I'll dress you and wash you. I'll carry you so that you won't have to take a step. I'll buy you anything you want and..."

Gilbert couldn't take it anymore and covered Andrew's mouth. This only made the young man open wide eyes before crying even more:

"Do you not want to hear what I have to say? Are you that repulsed by me?

-Slow down.

-I know that I was bad. You can do anything you want. You can behave the same way and be even worse as long as you stay. I don't care. You can have all my money, you can trample my reputation, I don't care. Please destroy me as much as you wish but don't get hurt. That's all I want.

-Andrew! Stop for a second!

-I'm sorry I made you angry again. I can't seem to make you happy. But I am really trying I promise. I just want you to smile like before. I know that it was an act but your smile was so bright and you never smile that way anymore. I'll make you happy I promise. No matter what it takes."

Andrew was unstoppable and Gilbert didn't know what to do. There was too much information and a grown man crying in the middle of the road attracted a lot of attention. He pulled Andrew into a dark corner and pushed him against the wall making sure no one could see them:

"Calm down. Take deep breaths."

Andrew cried a bit more but slowly calmed his breathing down.

"Can we talk like grown adults now?

-How much do you owe him?"

Gilbert let out an irritated growl.

"You really can't give up."

Seeing Andrew's eyes was enough for an answer: he would never give up. Gilbert signed. He was a bit flustered by everything he just heard and somehow forgot to get angry.

"Let's go home. It's late."

But Andrew didn't move.

"What is it again?

-How much do you owe him?

-Not much.

-Was what I gave you not enough? How much do you need?"

Gilbert shook his head:

"Don't worry about it.

-I'm sorry... I didn't want to follow you. I know I did something bad but just this once. Just tell me this once. You'll see how comfortable it is relying on someone. If you don't like it I'll never do it again."

Gilbert signed for the hundredth time.

"I owed him a lot, that's why I signed the contract with you.

-Is it because of your grandmother?

-You knew about that too?"

Andrew lowered his gaze like a child.

"She is not my real grandma but it's just the same. She fell ill recently and her treatment is quite expensive. I still owe him that.

-I'll pay him back.

-You really don't have to. I almost finished paying."

Andrew had thousands of questions but was too scared to ask. He wanted to know everything but he knew he shouldn't push his luck. He needed to slowly convince Gilbert about how useful he could be.

"Then don't go there again, please. I'll give you someone you can send every time you have money to deliver."

Gilbert thought about it and was ready to say no but Andrew interrupted:

"It's just a delivery man. Think about how much time you will spare.


Andrew could jump around in relief. He managed to keep that man away from Gilbert. That was a start.

"Now let's go."

He nodded and followed Gilbert to his house. When Gilbert turned around to say good night, Andrew didn't leave:

"Could I sleep here tonight? It is really late."

Gilbert rolled his eyes.

"As you wish."

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