School uniform buying (1998)

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Dec stands in the kitchen, he was busy tidying up after breakfast. Having a five year old was very tiring, he reached for the dustan and brush to clear up the cheerio mess. When he looks round Ant is standing there.

Ant" Hey mate, messy breakfast"

Dec" Yeah, just a bit, Charlie decided to knock the whole cheerio box all over the floor, now I got to get more of them"

Ant" Do you want some help?"

Dec" No it's okays, I got them all now"

Dec dumps the cheerio's in the bin and then stands there. Ant stands beside Dec and wraps an arm around him.

Dec" No one tells you how tiring it is having a five year old, I guess I better get ready, I got to take Charlie to get a new school uniform and some new school shoes"

Ant" Why don't you let me come with you, help you out, you look like you need it"

Dec" Yeah, thanks mate, that would be a great help"

Ant" Come on I'll help get her ready"

Both headed upstairs where Charlie had emptied the whole contents of a lego box on the floor. Ant noticed Dec trying to hide he is annoyed.

Ant" Go get ready man, I got this"

Dec" Thanks"

Dec disappeared to his room and Ant walked into and sat by Charlie.

Charlie" Hey Uncle Ant, do you want to help me make lego?"

Ant" I would love to but you have to get a new school uniform"

Charlie" I don't want to"

Ant" I thought you liked school, teachers say you are the star pupil in Literacy"

Charlie shrugs her shoulders. Ant nudges her.

Ant" Hey, what's the matter, you know you can tell me"

Charlie fiddles with lego pieces and won't look at Ant. Ant takes Charlie's tiny hands. Charlie then starts crying and crawls into his arms. Ant holds her close.

Ant" Tell me Little D, please"

Charlie" Girls have been taking my lunch money, say that daddy can afford it since he is on telly, says I should pay for their lunches"

Ant" Oh Little D, how long has this been going on?"

Charlie shrugs her shoulders again. Ant kisses her forehead.

Ant" Tell me"

Charlie" Told me not to"

Ant" You can tell me"

Charlie" Don't know" 

Ant" Why haven't you told daddy?"

Charlie" Don't know"

Ant sighs, he hated bullies and for his best friends daughter to be getting bullied, he hated it. He had to tell Dec.

Ant" I've got to speak to your daddy, can you be a good girl for me and tidy the lego up"

Charlie" Yes Uncle Ant"

Ant" Good girl"

Ant went into Dec's room and found him putting a shirt on.

Ant" Hey can we talk?"

Dec" Sure, what is it?"

Ant" Charlie is being bullied"

Dec" Again?"

Ant" Wait this has happened before?"

Dec" Yeah, girls had been bullying her, kept taking her pencil case, bag saying that she could afford to get a new one since he dad was on telly"

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