Wedding Prep

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Charlie was sitting with Stephen, they were sorting out some wedding preparations even though they had decided they would not be getting married till Winter 2024, lots of friends and some family had said about a summer wedding but everyone knew that Charlie hated the heat.

Stephen shuffles thing aside and hands Charlie a leaflet.

Stephen" What about this one?"

Charlie" I do like that one, I'm just not sure"

Stephen" I bet Dec would hire out any venue for you, heck I bet he would hire out DisneyLand if you wanted"

Charlie" Do you think?

Stephen" Yeah of course, your his first daughter, I'm sure he can't wait to spoil you"

Charlie" I actually already know he is paying for it"

Stephen" All of it?"

Charlie" I think so, I think it comes down to when I was little and Dad and Ant were just starting out so we didn't have a lot of money"

Stephen" Yeah I remember, I was also starting out, do you remember mine and Holly's show"

Charlie" I think so, I mean sometimes I don't then I go on YouTube and it always jogs something, I love dad so much, it's so weird to think that it was just him and me at one point, now I've got a mum, a brother and a sister, mad right?"

Stephen" I suppose it is when you think about it, what about this?"

Stephen hands Charlie another leaflet.

Charlie" Oooo yeah I like this one definitely, put it in the definitely pile, do you like it?"

Stephen" I do"

Charlie" I want to make sure you like things too, some brides just go with what they want"

Stephen" It's okay, as long as you are happy"

Charlie leans over to kiss Stephen holding for a bit, then parting.

Charlie" Okay, question do we want a first dance?"

Stephen" Do you want a first dance?"

Charlie" Yeah, I do actually I wasn't sure before because of everyone watching us"

Stephen" Your job is a presenter and you are worrying about people watching you"

Charlie" That was my thought but the image of me and you holding each other on the dance floor, yeah I want that"

Stephen" I want that too"

Charlie leans into Stephen's chest and he kisses her forehead.

Stephen pushes aside some more leaflets and looks at the list of things to do for the wedding.

Stephen" What about the big one, are you going to wear a dress?"

Charlie" That's the big one, I know I should that's what brides do isn't"

Stephen" Hey, listen to me, if you don't want it's okay with me, you look beautiful in whatever you wear, hey you could wear underwear down the aisle and I wouldn't care"

Charlie" Stephen!"

Charlie blushes red and Stephen tickles her ribs.

Charlie" Stephen no!"

Stephen keeps tickling until he is leaning over Charlie.

Stephen" Hello"

Charlie" Hello"

The doorbell rings and Stephen gets up to answer it, he comes back and Dec is by his side along with Ant. Charlie gets up off the floor and hugs her dad and Ant.

Charlie" Dad, Ant"

Dec" Hey, thought I would just pop in for chat with my daughter"

Ant"Hey little D"

They continue to the lounge and Dec sees all the wedding stuff. Ant sits on the sofa.

Ant" Oooo is this all the wedding stuff you are sorting"

Charlie" Yeah we are just going over some things, nothing for definite yet"

Ant picks up some leaflets.

Ant" Ooo this place is good is this for the reception"

Charlie" Yeah, I am getting married in a church"

Dec" Oh you decided then?"

Charlie" Yeah, I'm Catholic, I think its right that I do,I mean all Donnelly's do right"

Dec" I can't believe my eldest daughter and my oldest nephew are getting married it doesn't seem like five minutes go you were going to school for the first time"

Charlie" Well I can't wait to marry Stephen, I love him so much, like it actually hurts when we are not together"

Ant"Oh Little D, that is so cute"

Charlie" I remember Ali telling me, that you will just know when the right one comes along and I was thinking how, but yeah I knew"

The rest of the day was spent with sorting out more wedding prep and chatting about Dec's upcoming birthday.

Authors Notes
Ooo so Stephen and Charlie are sorting wedding prep even though it's not till DEC 2024. Let me know what you think of this. Hope you like!

TheDonnellyDaughter X

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