Pop Idol Auditions(P1)

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Dec was standing in the kitchen, he was busy getting ready for the new series Simon had come up with. It was called Pop Idol. He was definitely interested to see how it would be. The concept of the show was finding the next big singer. They were have millions of people audition and then have to whittle it down and then whoever wins gets an ultimate amount of money and a chance at a record contract. He was packing lunch for Charlie, he usually took her to work with him, mainly because his mum said that it was no life for Charlie to never be with her dad. Since her mum left her when she couldn't face being one it was important to Dec that Charlie had one parent. He still couldn't believe when he came home and found a note.

To Dec
I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore, I'm just not mother material, I didn't really want kids anyway not at this age, I wanted to tell you for ages but just couldn't figure out how, the only way I could was to write it down. I'm sorry Dec, you will be a great father,look after her for me.

Sorry again.
Claire X

Ant entered the kitchen when Dec was just finishing tidying up.

Ant" Hey mate, ready for Pop Idol?"

Dec" Of course, I got to get Charlie ready then we can go"

Ant" You okay mate?"

Dec" Yeah I'm okay, I just think about that time Claire left, I mean she couldn't even tell me she left it in a letter"

Ant" Yeah I know, that was bad but you have me, Stephen, your family, everyone wanted to help you raise Charlie"

Dec smiles.

Dec" Yeah I am grateful for that, I needed all the help I could get"

Ant" Come on let's go see what Charlie is up to"

Both headed upstairs and Charlie was colouring, she got up when she saw Ant.

Charlie" Uncle Ant"

Charlie rushes over to Ant and he picks her up tickling her.

Charlie" No!"

Ant" So Daddy tells me you are coming to the auditions with us"

Charlie" Yeah, daddy said I could"

Ant" Well come on the shall we get dressed and washed"

Charlie" Okay"

Charlie rushes off and Dec smiles.

Dec" Thanks man"

Ant" It's okay, anything for you mate, I can't believe Charlie's nine"

Dec" I know, she is growing up and I'm not sure I'm ready, blink and she will be a teenager, don't think I am ready for that yet"

Ant" Hey man don't worry about she is nine,you got three years yet"

Dec" I worry all the time I'm a dad of a daughter"

Ant" A very cheeky daughter, you know she smiled the other day and reminded me so much of you"

Dec" She reminds me of me too every day"

Ant" She looks more like you and acts more like you than Claire, she is a good girl"

Dec" She is isn't she"

Charlie then emerges from her bedroom but she has her jumper on back to front and is holding a bear Stephen had got her for her fifth birthday.

Dec" Come here you,you have your jumper on back to front"

Charlie lets Dec sort her jumper.

Dec" Arms up, okay this arm in that hole and this one in that, there we are"

Charlie" Daddy?"

Dec" Yes Charlie"

Charlie" How long will the auditions be?"

Dec" I don't know, depends how things go but it's going to be okay, you can say hello to the contestants if you want and you will be able to stay close to me and Ant, come on"

Little did Charlie know that, that day would set her up for the rest of her life. 

Authors Notes
Hey I really hope you like this, let me know. Also thanks for the views on DD1, DD2 and DD3. I love you guys!

TheDonnellyDaughter X

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