Daddy/Daughter Date (IAC) (2022)

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Dec looked at his watch he and Ant had to go to trial for Babatunde soon. He was on his phone checking out tweets from fans and he came across one that made him chuckle. Ant then leaned over.

Ant" Hey mate, what are you laughing at?"

Dec" I was going over the tweets we have got sent, look at this one"

@antanddec Dec What does you daughter @CharlieDonnelly think of the dancing you are doing every night?"

Ant" Oh yeah what does Little D think of the dancing you are doing?"

Dec" She hasn't said anything, though I think all daughters get embarrassed when their dads dance"

Ant" Remember when she was little and cute like Isla and always wanted you to dance 24 - 7"

Dec" Oh yeah, yeah I probably could dance 24 -7 back then but not now, not with these knees and back"

Ant" Ooo look Little D has replied"

Dec" Let's see what she has put"

Dec opens the reply on the tweet.

Ant" Awwww"

@antanddec My dad used to embarrass me as a teenager and maybe as a young adult but I am thirty this year and to be honest it just makes me laugh. Love you dad X

Dec" Awwww, don't I have the best daughter ever"

Ant" That is so cute"

Dec" I did wonder if I was ever going to be a dad who didn't embarrass their daughter even though that is my job"

Ant" Come on we should get going or Babatunde will be there before us"

Both lads walked down to the trial area, Dec looked up at the contraption that obviously been constructed the hard working crew. It was three circular platforms and and nine stars hung from them, they had been told that once Baba was on there they would then move making it even harder to stay on it.

Ant" How do you think he will do?"

Dec" I don't know, I like to think he will smash it, what about you?"

Ant" I reckon he can smash this if he puts his mind to it"

Dec's phone then rings from within his jacket pocket. Ant laughs at him.

Ant" How many times have I got to tell you to put your phone on silent during the trials"

Dec" It's Charlie, she is asking if I want to have lunch with her later"

Ant" Awww, that will be nice some father- daughter bonding"

Dec" I'll have to see if Ali can have the little ones"

Dec slides his phone away and within a few minutes Babatunde appears from the trees making his way down the small track. He is smiling which was a good sign but by the wringing of the hands you could tell he was nervous. He stood in front of them both.

Ant" So how are you feeling?"

Babatunde" I am really nervous"

Dec" What do you think of the British public?"

Babatunde" They are evil absolutely evil, you two are evil as well"

Dec" Us we don't come up with these trials, we just host them"

Ant went onto to explain the task to Baba and how much time he had to complete it in and then how many stars he had to get.

Babatunde" Okay, okay"

Decs Daughter 3Where stories live. Discover now