
28 4 3

Rating: PG13
Contains: Scenes of  a sexual nature and swearing.

Dec was busy getting ready, he was about to head to the BGT auditions with Ant, he just needed to pop in and see Charlie who said she wanted to come. He grabbed his keys and told Ali he would be back later. He headed to Charlie and Stephen's house and got out to knock on the door, he knocks about five times and there was still no answer, he decided to open the door with a key Charlie had given him when she didn't answer, it may sound like he was being paranoid but he was a father and him and Charlie had always been incredibly close, they phoned each other every day, had daddy daughter dates every week. He shoved the key in the lock and opened the door, he checked the kitchen, dining room and living room, even the study when he couldn't find them downstairs he headed upstairs.

Dec"Charlie, Stephen"

He looked in the spare bedroom and bathroom that was ajar. No one. He then knocks on the bedroom door and when no one answers he opens the door since it wasn't locked. What he saw wasn't something he could now not remove from his memory.

Stephen was attached to the bed with handcuffs and also had a scarf in his mouth,he was moaning while he laid in just his boxer shorts, his eyes widened when he saw Dec standing in the doorway, Charlie who was on top of Stephen suddenly sees him.

Charlie" Shit!"

Dec only catches a brief look to be honest he was a bit shocked. He slammed the door and the sound of him hurrying down the stairs is heard and the door slams. Stephen moans as he looks at Charlie.

Charlie" Well shit"

Charlie hops off Stephen and lays beside him.

Charlie"I forgot I was going to BGT auditions with dad AND that he had a spare key,well this is going to be awkward, right?"

Stephen moans, nodding.

Charlie" Oh god this might be even worse than the whole has a good tongue incident, right?"

Stephen moans again his cuffs jingling against the bed nodding. Charlie looks at Stephen and smirks.

Charlie" You are so cute all tied up"

She sits on Stephen again and runs her hands down his chest, grazing his nipples making him shift. He moans and tries to move, his handcuffs clinking again.

Charlie" Shhh good boy, perhaps I'll leave you like this, what do you reckon?"

Stephen shakes his head, moaning. Charlie smirks.
Dec banged on Ant's door and Ant opened it.

Ant" Oh hey mate, what's the matter?"

Dec struggles to say
something pulling a sad face.

Ant" Oh my come in, come in let's talk"

Ant closes the door and makes Dec and himself a tea, he sets them down on the table.

Ant" Okay, what is it?"

Dec" Well it's Charlie?"

Ant" Yeah what about her, is she okay?"

Dec" Yeah, she is definitely fine, it's just I really...I um, uh"

Ant" Take your time, it's okay"

Dec" Well you know we are meant to go to BGT auditions today?"

Ant" Yeah in two hours"

Dec" Well, Charlie said she wanted to come, so i texted her she didn't answer,I phoned her she didn't answer, so i tried again you know twice more she didn't answer so it worried me because she always picks up on the first ring"

Decs Daughter 3Where stories live. Discover now