Valentines Day (2)

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Later on both Charlie and Stephen are making cookies, they had already made a mess all over the kitchen and both are covered in flour. Charlie brushes Stephen's nose with flour and he does the same. Charlie who is sitting on the counter is also dipping her fingers in the mixture.

Stephen" We won't have any mixtures left if you keep eating it"

Charlie" I know but it's really nice though"

Stephen" Don't eat too much there is raw egg in there, you know you already have a funny stomach with food"

Charlie" Alright I get your point, I'll stop, I love doing stuff with you sometimes we don't get to do it enough"

Stephen" I know, that just means I have to make every moment spent with you amazing!"

Charlie" Although takeaway rehearsals will be fun won't they, I can't believe it's the twentieth series, I just it's actually crazy I mean I've been a part of this show since I was a kid"

Stephen" Awww, I remember all the segments you've done, Little Donnelly, Teenagers and Ant Vs Dec"

Charlie" Ant vs Dec will always be the always be the best when I did it with Ashley and then the best when I did it with you"

Stephen" Awww, I love doing it with you too, okay I think these might be ready to go on a tray into the oven"

Charlie" Oooo, I really hope these are going to be nice"

Stephen" They should be if we have got everything right and don't burn them"

Charlie" I can't wait, I love cookies"

Stephen and Charlie began to roll them onto a tray and then popped them in the oven. Charlie looks at the mess and makes a face.

Charlie" Suppose we better clean up"

Stephen" I'll get the broom"

Once the kitchen was clean both sat in the living room.

Stephen" Can't believe its our fourth Valentine's Day, I love you so much"

Charlie" I love you so much too"

Charlie sits on his lap and Stephen kisses her, she grips his face before sliding her hands up his shirt and traces his nipples, she kisses him again and then hops off.

Charlie" Do you want to play some Hogwarts Legacy?"

Stephen" Yeah of course I do"

They opened the game and there are four characters, Stephen who is a hufflepuff, Charlie who is a Ravenclaw, Ant a gryffindor and Dec a Ravenclaw. They click on multiplayer and both get to run around together.

Stephen" You know some people think I could be a Slytherin"

Charlie" I don't think that is true, you are kind, caring and loyal of course you are a hufflepuff"

Stephen" Thanks, you are a Ravenclaw, creative, intelligent and wise"

Charlie" I would only go with the creative, oh poachers"

Charlie immediately starts bashing the spell buttons firing on all cylinders. Stephen backs her up on other angles and eventually they beat the poachers.

Stephen" I mean it Charlie, you are intelligent and wise, you always come up with great ideas for takeaway, you helped me with Max Magic, one and two and what about BGMT"

Charlie" I guess"

Stephen kisses her cheek.

Stephen" I think you are"

Charlie smiles and kisses Stephen on the lips.
When the cookies were ready Stephen pulled them out of the oven with oven gloves and places them on the counter, the smell filled the kitchen.

Charlie" They smell so good"

Stephen" They do, oh my god"

Stephen picks one up and breaks it off, he then pushes it to Charlie's mouth.

Charlie" Oh my those are so good"

Charlie picks up a cookie and does the same. She pushes it into Stephen's mouth and he holds it.

They finished up their Valentines Day with playing more Hogwarts Legacy for a while, then scoffing on pizza and the rest of chocolate chip cookies and then they headed to bed that evening. Stephen smiled as they were both kissing already. He smirked as Charlie laid back on the bed and Stephen leans over her kissing her passionately and starts trailing down her body, he then does what she did to him.

Authors Notes
Apologies for the late upload. I found a game on Xbox game pass and it's dooooo good! I hope you liked this. Let me know what you thought.

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